Everyone has a unique Model of the World - Master Coach Barbara Hofmeister

There are 17 presuppostions of NLP.

One of them is: Everyone has a unique Model of the World

That means each of us sees the world their own way – filtered through our experience, the upbringing, the education we have had and our interpretation of all these things. Plus everything is influenced by the emotional state we were in when we first experienced it and again in the moment we experience it now.  I will go into more details about how that works and why in a later post.

Fact is, we all live in our own little universe and what is right for us can be totally wrong in someone else’s model of the world. And that brings us to the next pre-supposition

Respect other People’s Model of the World

I don’t think that needs much explaination. If we want other’s to respect us, we also have to respect them and their “particular” ways of thinking and doing things even if they might seem “weird” or illogical to us.