Why we all need strong Confidence - Master Coach Barbara Hofmeister

When you think about Confidence, what do you think of first? Is Confidence really important?

Speaking to 600 people about how to make your dreams come trueUntil only a few years ago I was a fairly shy, introverted female – always driven to succeed but never really succeeding. The reason was my lack of confidence and self-esteem. In my eyes, most people were better. I was never good enough and drove myself to study further, to work more but however much I did it never felt enough.

Have you ever have disempowering thoughts like that?

What do thoughts like that do to you? They stop you – they stop you to really achieve your dreams. They stop you from letting your true light shine through. They stop you from living your true potential.

Less than a month ago I was speaking at a large conference in Sweden. I was really well prepared, the technician knew what to do – everything seemed perfectly arranged. But things rarely go that smoothly. The speaker before me ran overtime, the technician had not even started the laptop as had been pre-arranged; the recording equipment did not work…

The room filled up while we were fiddling about with the equipment and I hate it when a speaker is not ready for his audience. They lost me there and then and in this case, I was the one not ready – aargh! The introducer stumbled through my introduction in such an uninspiring way that I was happy when he was done and just as the technician finally managed to get my presentation on the screen the computer shut down again.

Armageddon in my head. All the preparation for this moment had gone up in smoke. Inwardly I was between fuming and crying but then I took a decision.I decided to start no matter what, knowing that I am strong, knowing that I am good enough to get my points across without any technical equipment. In that moment I stood tall and spoke from the depth of my soul aware that the audience deserved to see me at my BEST. And they did.

Would this have happened 10 years ago I would have been too upset to concentrate on the need of my audience. Why? Because I would have beaten myself up for everything that was happening. I would also have been very angry with the technician for not making sure everything worked as needed. I would have found fault.

What would the result have been? At best a mediocre presentation because the audience can feel where you stand. If you are inside or in this case beside yourself they will not appreciate you because you do not appreciate them. Being able to consciously take a deep breath and step out of chaos into the feeling of calm confidence has changed my life enormously and it will change yours too.

 Today I know who I am and that knowledge gives me a strong confidence and healthy self-esteem. In how many chaotic situations do you make the empowering decision over the disempowering one? The decision to stand tall and give your best overcoming any chaos or challenge because you know who you are? Because you are centered within yourself? Because you have belief in yourself! Because you KNOW for a fact that you are strong enough to overcome anything!

Belief creates facts so start believing in yourself in order to create those facts you have always wanted in your life.

Life lets you only get as far as your confidence permits. That is a proven fact you can see all around you. Nobody applies for a higher position unless they are confident that they can fill it. Nobody starts their own business unless they are confident in making it a success. Nobody flirts with someone they are attracted to unless they believe they have a chance.

I could give you hundreds of examples but for now, let this be enough. Widen your boundaries, overcome your fears and doubts and consciously build your confidence every single day. Dare to do things you have never dared before because that will give you plenty of opportunities to stand tall to show the world (and yourself) who you are.

To your success

Barbara Hofmeister


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