Create a Miracle in your Life - Master Coach Barbara Hofmeister

I just met Vincent Genna and like some of the things he teaches. It is very much in line with what I believe and teach. 

Everything in life was NOT created by thought. It was created by BELIEFS. If thoughts alone were our creating powers, then all the crying little babies in the world would have no voices, and everyone who cut you off on the road would be dead! We have a lot of thoughts every day, including daydreams and fantasy thoughts. They don’t all come to fruition after having them, do they? That’s because they are not powered by anything. Beliefs empower your thoughts! Thoughts focus the energy we create from our beliefs. Since we are all connected and one with a Greater Power, Higher Source, Unlimited all Loving Being, God, or whatever you wish to call it, we create everything in our lives either consciously or subconsciously. In most cases, we do it subconsciously and that is why we do not get the results we want. I am attempting to help you learn how to create your life consciously. That way, you will create the things you want, rather than the things you don’t want.

Edgar Cayce was a famous contemporary “Sleeping Prophet” who said, “Spirit is life; mind is the builder, and physical is the result.” In other words, what you believe (spirit), gives life and empowers what you think (mind). And what you think and do, creates your physical world (result). So, for this exercise, you’re going to create a statement of what you truly desire and empower this desire statement by believing it is a real part of you that you truly believe you want.

Part 1 – Create your desired statement and please make it count

Part 1-Read your desire statement out loud, not just silently in your head, and say it with as much feeling and desire as you can. Feel it as a real and meaningful desire, not just as a flippant want. Change it from being just words, to being a real part of you. Say it with passion!

Part 2-Then close your eyes and envision the pad or piece of paper you wrote your desire statement down on in your mind. Then, make yourself see a cord coming out of the pad or piece of paper and connecting right to where your belly button is, just like an umbilical cord! It doesn’t make a difference what type of cord it is, but I want you to see your desire statement actually attached to your body and as if you are feeding your words your energy. When you are visualizing this, you can see electrical energy radiating from your body to your desire statement, light radiating to it, or even blood. Whatever you choose or want, just see your desire statement attached to you and you feeding it. It is best to attach it to your belly button because that is actually your solar plexus chakra and where your energy flow converges.

This is how we were fed and kept alive in utero, so that how we are going to feed our desire statement for this purpose. I know it may sound funny, but try to make it as real as possible for you. It’s ok if your visualization goes in and out. Just keep trying to see it as best you can. The better you can do this, the more you will be empowering your desire. Remember, do both parts of this as often as you can throughout the entire day for the whole week, and let it be one of the last things you do before you go to bed tonight. It becomes easier each day. Also, jot down anything you notice during the day that may be different, as well.

Good luck to all!

I second that! Have a wonderful day and an even better life!



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