How you truly achieve your Goals - Master Coach Barbara Hofmeister

It is at this time of year – during the holidays – that most of us reflect on the past year and look at our plans for the New Year. Unfortunately many do not have a plan. They might go as far as to set some half hearted New Year Resolutions just around midnight on the 31st but often these are already forgotten by the middle of January.


Because your resolutions are not really what you want. It is more what you think you need to be or do, i.e. “Starting from January I will exercise three times a week, go on a diet, call my parents on a regular basis” etc. But you don’t really want to exercise that much or go on a diet, do you? What you want are the results these actions will bring you!

This is why we need to start with the results we desire before we set goals or set New Year Resolutions. We always have to start with the desired end result in mind.

When you are clear on the result you desire then and only then can you start filling the gap from where you are today to where you want to go and break these necessary actions down into small, achievable steps. That is all really. You just have to make sure you really know what outcome you want to achieve before you start setting goals.

Hear what Brian Tracy has to say about goal setting:

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