by barbara | Feb 28, 2010 | Barb's Ramblings
[New Post] Radom Thoughts on Goals – via @twitoaster # [New Post] Do what you love and love what you do – Tony Robbins – via @twitoaster # Remember, you can earn more money, but when time is spent is gone...
by barbara | Feb 27, 2010 | Uncategorized
Everyone has at least One but many (if not most) never go for their dream. They are not really committed to achieving their dream and have given up. Some will start on the path to achieving their dream, but get discouraged by the lack of support from their friends,...
by barbara | Feb 26, 2010 | Uncategorized
Successful goal selection stems from our inner perceptions and the congruence of our actions. If what we want and how we go about accomplishing our goals is incongruent, then we are likely to experience a degree of self-sabotage. In order for success to be achieved,...
by barbara | Feb 25, 2010 | Transformational Tips
I get asked: “How can I be successful?” all the time. One of the first things is to stop whining and complaining and instead search for solutions and take action. On my last flight back to Spain I found a good quote by Edward E. Hearn in my monthly Toastmaster...