July 2011 - Page 3 of 5 - Master Coach Barbara Hofmeister


Meryl Streep may be best known as a 16-time Academy Award nominee and two-time winner, but in her fantastic 2010 commencement speech at Barnard College, Columbia University’s women’s-only sister institution, she reveals herself as equal parts political...

You can do it!

Almost all of us have dreams and goals – some more, others less important. However many of us don’t do much about it and instead of taking action we let time pass by without moving towards what we really want. 29 – You can do...

Real change starts with the small stuff

When we are unhappy about our life or dissatisfied we tend to want radical changes and we tend to want them NOW. But that is not usually how changes happen. Let’s say you want to tone your body. That will not happen overnight. You will start with some easy...

Taking responsibility

If you want to truly live your life and not that of others or of society as whole it is time to take responsibility for your life. What do I mean with responsibility? The answer is in the word itself which consist of 2 words response and ability = the ability to...