One of the reasonswhy people do not reach their goals…
is that they are not accountable to anyone (in many cases not even to themselves!). Did you know that we work 7 to 9 times better when we have someone that we are accountable to? We seem to rise up to the occasion and get that little extra out of ourselves.
The easiest way to illustration that is in with our exercise routine. How often have you wanted to start a daily exercise routine but got distracted or were too lazy and found a good reason (or better said excuse) not to do it today because… But when you exercise with a friend, a colleague or a neighbor, you will pull yourself out of bed and put on your sneekers to meet your partner and do it anyway.
If you want to reach your goal, get your self someone whom you can be accountable to. Make sure that the person you pick has their own goals and is as committed as you to reach them. They should be supportive of your ideas and goals. Let them know that you wish them to be strict with you whenever you try to stray. That is why coaching works so well. You pay them to keep you on track. That way you have something at stake that you don’t want to lose.
A good accountability partner is invaluable to your success and if both of you have similar goals in mind it works even better.
If you don’t have someone you can work with, get yourself a coach or join a mastermind group.
Thanks for the info. This is primarily what I was looking for. I am currently researching this topic so I will be back.