Are you grateful? Gratitude is the fastest path to happiness

Are we grateful enough? Do we feel gratitude and appreciation? Do we see all the good around us?

I often wonder when I listen to the moaning and groaning of people. Unless you give the conversation another direction it seems all they want to do is complain about what is going wrong in their life, most of the time blaming others.

Don’t get me wrong, sometimes we have to let everything that is eating us up out but it cannot be the main objective of a conversation and of course even less that of a coaching session.

We all have so much to be grateful for.

I don’t know you personally but I do know that…

  • You have at least a decent education; otherwise you would not be able to use a computer to find this blog.
  • You have a computer or smartphone and access to an internet connection.
  • If you read this at work, you can be grateful to have work
  • If you read this in school or Uni, you can be grateful to get an education.
  • You probably have a roof over your head and some food to put into your tummy.
  • You probably have friends who love and respect you for who and what you are.
  • …and the list can go on…

However, not everybody has this and still, we tend to take all the good we have for granted and focus on what we don’t have or what isn’t working. A negative mindset goes a long way towards an unsatisfactory life.

I have a long list of things I am grateful for and whenever life doesn’t seem to play the way I want it to or I feel a little down I go through my list and my mood changes instantly. This morning I woke up to the most glorious sunrise. Isn’t that something to be grateful for?

There are so many small beautiful things we take for granted until they are not there anymore. Take some time out and notice all things and people you can be grateful for in your life and write start your personal gratitude journal. Carry it with you or have it close at hand because it will motivate and inspire you whenever you need a little uplift.

Abundant Blessings

Barbara Hofmeister

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