by barbara | Nov 4, 2010 | Barb's Ramblings, Transformational Tips
I have been invited to speak at the FESTIVAL OF ENLIGHTENMENT in June of 2011 in Colorado. This is a big honor for me and I am super excited. Some big names are involved like Janet Attwood, Gregg Braden, Bob Geldorf, Marianne Williamson, Sir Richard Branson, Jack...
by barbara | Nov 2, 2010 | Barb's Ramblings, Motivational
Listen to internet radio with Diva Toolbox on Blog Talk...
by barbara | Oct 30, 2010 | Barb's Ramblings, Uncategorized
This is a very personal post so if you are afraid of learning too much about my inner world, please do not read it. During my 43-hour return journey from Malaysia I had mini-break-through after mini-breakthrough until, at one moment, I was flooded with LOVE –...
by barbara | Oct 15, 2010 | Barb's Ramblings, Motivational
Today I booked a sailing trip. I love sailing – the noise of passing through the water, the clicks of the rigging, being forced to work with nature… All of that really turns me on but today’s sailing trip was a real let down. First of all the trip...
by barbara | Oct 13, 2010 | Barb's Ramblings
I have been in Malaysia many years ago and it was most definitely a third world country then. But that has changed massively since. Kuala Lumpur is today a modern city with a lot of bussiness happening, a country that has a say in Asia. The government has set an...
by barbara | Sep 16, 2010 | Barb's Ramblings
The first port of call was Ketchikan, apparently the wettest town in North America and true to its legend it rained. The ship is larger than the highest building in Ketchikan Probably the most impressive day on my Mastermind cruise to Alaska was the day we were in...
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