Motivational Archives - Page 36 of 38 - Master Coach Barbara Hofmeister

Lina and The Goals Quadrant

I have a new accountability partner and we both have big dreams, big goals we want to achieve. Because I have high respect for her and for myself, I am taking our time together very seriously. Our goal is to take our respective businesses to a new level. One of the...

Positive Habits Are Learnable Goals – Bob Garvey

It surprises a lot of people to learn that 95% of all thought is at the subconscious level. This is a good thing. Do you know what you would do if your subconscious decided to take the day off? Chances are that you would lie in bed all day long staring at those little...

The Art of Getting Things Done – Q-Goals

Q-Goals is the term I give to 90-day goals, because three months (one quarter) is a short enough time span as to not be too overwhelming, but long enough to allow meaningful progress to be accomplished. Q- Goals are the bridge between your Big Goals and your daily...

Impossible is what you make it

When Leonardo da Vinci drew the first helicopter everyone laughed about him. Such a flying machine was beyond anyone’s imagination. Today nobody even looks up when a helicopter passes. We are so used to them. Can you imagine life without running water, electric light,...