Transformational Tips Archives - Page 17 of 23 - Master Coach Barbara Hofmeister

Changing Bad Habits into Good Ones

I came across another one of Jim Rohn’s powerful quotes. He was the master in saying a lot with a few simple words. “Bad habits are easy to form and hard to live with and good habits are hard to form but easy to live with.” ~ Jim Rohn How often have...

The Festival of Enlightenment

I have been invited to speak at the FESTIVAL OF ENLIGHTENMENT in June of 2011 in Colorado. This is a big honor for me and I am super excited. Some big names are involved like Janet Attwood, Gregg Braden, Bob Geldorf, Marianne Williamson,  Sir Richard Branson, Jack...

What are you worth?

Today I want to share with you a post I read on Lisa Sasevich’s blog. I think Lisa hit the nail on the head with it as most coaches I meet – and that included me for a very long time – do not dare to charge anywhere near enough for them to live a...

Stroke of Insight

This is the most amazing video of how brain researcher Jill Bolte Taylor studied her own stroke as it happened — and has become a powerful voice for brain...

TED Videos – Prosperity

In the next few weeks and maybe even over the next few months I want to share with you an incredible resource that is available to us all and that is TED. What is TED? TED is a small nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. It started out in 1984 as a conference...