by barbara | Apr 17, 2010 | Transformational Tips
This video shows you a full intervention Tony Robbins did with a lady that suffered from depression and self-sabotage. It goes through the whole process. I am sorry that I cannot embed the video here. In this case I just don’t know how to do it. Just follow the...
by barbara | Apr 12, 2010 | Transformational Tips
Did you really chose your life problems? This video demonstrates how you can release past experience and negative emotions and let go of them forever. EFT is an incredibly easy and effective way to releasing past stuff that does not serve you anymore in the NOW....
by barbara | Apr 6, 2010 | Motivational, Transformational Tips
Do you still have dreams? I sincerely hope you do and also that you want to make them come true! You can start by writing your dreams down – the clearer the better and please don’t judge on the possibility or probability, just write whatever comes to your mind....
by barbara | Mar 28, 2010 | Transformational Tips
Another reason for failing is lack of accountability. Did you know that we get up to 8 times more done when we are accountable? We seem to rise up to the occasion and get that little extra out of ourselves. The easiest way to demonstrate that is with physical...
by barbara | Mar 27, 2010 | Transformational Tips
Another presupposition of NLP is that people are not their behavior. And I think it is one of the best things to pre-suppose because it means that the person and their behavior are 2 separate things. Whatever the behavior of a person might be, it is not who they are....
by barbara | Mar 21, 2010 | Transformational Tips
Ok, yesterday we talked about the philosophy of NLP and I mentioned it’s principals. Today we will go into more details: Principal No. 1: Cause and Effect It means you live as if you were always the cause of whatever happens and never at the effect. When you are...
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