by barbara | Feb 25, 2010 | Transformational Tips
I get asked: “How can I be successful?” all the time. One of the first things is to stop whining and complaining and instead search for solutions and take action. On my last flight back to Spain I found a good quote by Edward E. Hearn in my monthly Toastmaster...
by barbara | Feb 15, 2010 | Transformational Tips
Do you still have dreams for your life? If yes, do you want to make them come true? If you do, start by writing your life dreams down – the clearer the better and please don’t judge on the possibility or probability, just write whatever comes to your mind. Remember,...
by barbara | Jan 29, 2010 | Transformational Tips
You can be anything you want to be! And exactly here is our challenge. To dare something new we must move out of our comfort zone and believe me, that is not easy. We feel comfortable in what we know, we feel safe and secure even if we are in a miserable situation...
by barbara | Jan 28, 2010 | Transformational Tips
Do you ever get distracted? Do you ever mean to do one thing and then find yourself doing another? Do you ever lack concentration? If you can say no to any of the above – CONGRATULATIONS! You are fairly unique. There are not many people out there who are truly...
by barbara | Jan 24, 2010 | Transformational Tips
“It is not impossibilities that fill us with deepest despair, but possibilities that we have failed to realize.” – Robert Mallet, Poet Only a tiny percentage of the world unleashes the full potential in their life. Statistics say it’s 2% or 3%, which is a very...
by barbara | Jan 22, 2010 | Transformational Tips
Be outrageous! Think big! You can do it – if you really want to. Maybe I can demonstrate what I mean through a poem written by Marianne Williamson. Part of this poem was used by Nelson Mandela in his Inauguration speech in 1994. The words are very powerful: “Our...