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Successful Goal Selection – Avoiding Self-Sabotage

Successful goal selection stems from our inner perceptions and the congruence of our actions. If what we want and how we go about accomplishing our goals is incongruent, then we are likely to experience a degree of self-sabotage. In order for success to be achieved,...

Are there Rules in Goal Setting?

Answer this question for yourself right now: Are you happy and attaining the things you’ve envisioned for your business and life? If so, congratulations, you’re doing something right – if not keep reading. There are certainly many factors and...

Radom Thoughts on Goals

Today I want to share some thoughts on goal setting and goal achieving. Let them inspire you and help you attain your goals in 2010 We rarely hit anything unless we aim for it There is no sense in aiming for a goal if you have no arrow in your bow If you fail to plan,...

Dare to Dream

Nelson Mandela said in his Inauguration speech: “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves WHO AM I to be brilliant,...

On Advertising Your Goals

Experts on the art and science of goal setting seem to be of two minds when it comes to whether or not you should tell others what those goals are. Some will advise you to put your goals up on a billboard for the world to see, as a way of holding yourself accountable...