Create a Miracle 2 - Master Coach Barbara Hofmeister

We are getting ready to create a miracle in our life. Are you following us?

From Vincent Genna’s blog:

I only have a few requests if you choose to participate:

1) You have to take this seriously and really want something to happen, or at least be willing to give it a concerted effort;

2) You need to create and write down a desire statement. This is a concise written description of exactly what you want to have happen by the end of the 5 days. It could be for clarity about a decision you need to make, or even a job opportunity. Heck, if you’re trying to sell a house, it could even be for that. Just make your desire statement as clear as you can with as many details as you want to go along with it. The more detailed your desire statement is, the more chance there is of something happening for it. Just make it reasonable! Winning the lottery may be beyond the scope of a 5-day miracle!

3) Then each day, pay attention to any changes or signs or thoughts that might be about your desire and JOT THEM DOWN in a journal or on a piece of paper you keep. This is very important! Writing things down helps you to keep your eyes and ears open, so more help can come. You certainly don’t want something significant to get by you without notice because you are caught up in life;

4) You need to read my mini-ebook, About You, (go to above website to get the book) to start you off in the right frame of mind. It will take you no more than 15 minutes to read. You can get a free copy of it here, on the right. Feel free to pass it along to anyone else you think might benefit from it.

5) Finally, you have to commit to completing this experiment from start to finish. If you stop midway, you will never know if something great could have happened for you. I am not going to disrupt your day with crazy requests that will make it so difficult for you to participate, so give it the full four weeks.

See how simple that is, and won’t it finally be great to tap into all you are capable of doing? Ask your friends and family to listen in, as well. The more people we get to participate in “Create a Miracle”, the more powerful this will be.  Listen in to my radio show each Monday, at 1:00pm EST (or Barbara’s radio show each Tuesday at 1:00pm EST) and call in with any questions or comments. Let’s discuss anything you may be having difficulty with.

I invite you to follow Vincent’s recommendations.

All in Love



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