Create your Ideal Day - Master Coach Barbara Hofmeister

Is your life ideal?

Have you ever thought about what an ideal life would look like for you?

Today I want to invite you to create it.

How do we do that?

Let me give you a practical example we all know – that of an architect. Before an architect can build anything he needs an idea; he has to create whatever he wants to build first in his mind. In the next phase he will put it on paper and only when it is on paper with every little details, can he start to manifest it i.e. build it.

Exactly the same works for our life. We first need to clarify our ideas to make sure we know what we really want. I have posted some videos on this topic on and you can find the step by step process to become clear on your purpose and passion in my book “To be or not to be – the choice is YOURS!” and in other posts here on the blog.

Once you have a good idea of where you want your life to go, imagine what your ideal day would look like. Start from the moment you wake up until the moment you go back to sleep and write down every little detail – what you are doing, who you are with, where you are, your surroundings, your activities, your  feelings… everything! Paint a picture of the day – in words or in paint – whatever works for you but you have to be detailed. It has to really draw you in. It has to be YOUR day!

Do it now and enjoy!