Do Affirmations work? - Master Coach Barbara Hofmeister

A study done at the National Science Foundation discovered that deep thinkers think around 50,000 thoughts a day.

That’s a lot of thinkin’!

This study also cited that the majority of what people think is negative…up to 95%!!!! That’s 47,500 negative thoughts….and that’s a lot of “stinkin’ thinkin’ Zig Ziglar would say.


Here’s the really scary part. The study says that about 90% of what you thought one day is carried over to the next. That means we take our 95% negative thoughts with us – OH NO!!!

How do we stop it?

By consciously taking control of your thoughts with positive and present tense Affirmations. They work!

Remember, every thought you think effects the 70 trillion plus cells in your body.  Can you imagine how all those negative thoughts  affect your cells and your well-being?

We need to change that by doing affirmations throughout the day because they work and with them you are taking conscious control of your thoughts and therefore of your destiny.

Today it has been proven beyond any doubt that what we think is what we manifest in our lives.

Albert Einstein, Niels Borh and others discovered, that everything in this universe is made up of energy and our thoughts are energy. Energy joins together with energies of the same frequency and form what we see as reality. So our thoughts create what is manifested in the physical universe.Affirmations are the most direct way to tap into the universal laws – that is why 95-97% of people do not get what they wish for because they think of their problems and not their dreams. Just look at the study – 95% of thoughts are negative in most people.

For instance the Law of Attraction is the most powerful force in the Universe because it simply means that you attract what you think about and if you think negative thoughts, you attract negative results.

Every thought you think is creating your future!

So be careful what you think about and make it a habit to use – present tense affirmations like I am…, I have… so you attract what you truly want in your life.