Everybody can lead an extraordinary life! - Master Coach Barbara Hofmeister

There is no better time to live your dreams than NOW!

In today’s world there is more knowledge readily available than ever – whether online or off. In most countries library cards are free and you can get information on any and every topic. So knowledge is abundantly available to EVERYBODY.

So why are there such few people truly living an extraordinary life?

I think it is because only a few of us are daring to life our dreams, dare to live our passion to the fullest.

And the reason is because most are not aware of what they truly want.

It is not lack of opportunities or lack of unique talents. It is insecurity in themselves and in what they want.  There are plenty of examples of people from the wrong side of town who made it to the top, be it in sports, politics, show business, films and business. And there are also plenty of stories of rich kids with a Harvard education you never made it anywhere.

If you want to live an extraordinary life, it’s your job to discover first of all what it is you truly want to do with your life.

Make a list of the things you’ve always wanted to do but just never found the time to. Take a look at your hobbies? What is it that really excites you?What gets you up in the morning and keeps you up at night?

Once you have that down, imagine you are 95 years old and your great-grandchildren are sitting at your feet  while you are telling them the story of your life.

  • What do you want to tell them?
  • Who would you like to have been?

Now brainstorm how you can turn this passion, this desire into a living because only when you do what you love, will you be really good at it, will you be really fulfilled. Then fill the gap between where you are today and where you want to go – step by tiny step.

Finding, following and living your passion will allow you to lead an extraordinary life.