Fears - Master Coach Barbara Hofmeister

Today we are talking about common fears and doubts.

The fact is we all have fears. It’s a necessary emotion without which we
would not be truly alive. Think about it – and you’ll realize that there have
probably been times when fear has steered you away from making bad
decisions. In its truest sense, fear is meant to protect us from danger and
help us survive. The real danger lies in allowing that protection to rule our
life. We all want to be safe and secure, but what is security? We have discussed
this before when we talked about our comfort zone.

For each of us it has a different meaning. If you are a Formula 1 driver,
speeding will be unlike what the rest of us experience driving a regular car.
The F1 driver has stretched his speed (fear) limits to double or even triple
our normal capacity and he has done so out of his own choosing. He had
to open his boundaries to make this possible and he did.

To change, to become better, stronger and happier human beings we must
step outside of our comfort zone in order to live the life we want to live.
Otherwise it is highly likely that we will live one created from fear, from
doubt and from holding back.

All too often we give in, sometimes without even realizing it. We give our
fears much too much power. Sometimes, because of our culture and tendency
to compare ourselves to others, we see our fears as signs of weakness
and inferiority, which further strengthens their power over us, and we
fall into the trap of continual self-doubt.

People who assert their opinions on you, holding you back with
their negativity and judgments are the dream steelers keeping you
from living your life vision – from being the real you.


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