Frequently people find it easier to come up with excuses (they call them reasons) for not doing things they know must be done than with ideas on how best to do them.
Could you one of those?
Jim Rohn said: “When your WHY is strong enough the how becomes easy.”
This means when your reasons why you need to do something are bigger than your excuses, you will make progress toward your goals. Logical, isn’t it?
It also means you have to come up with the reasons why you really should accomplish something before there is time to come up with the excuses that will for sure hold you back. Works best if you read this twice!
You see, your subconscious is much more powerful than your conscious logical mind and it will work on achieving whatever you give it to work on. In most cases we give it doubt, fear, scarcity, and other negative thoughts. What do people who lack money most often think about? Money. But not in an empowering way, caring and sharing way. They think of their lack of it, sometimes look at others who have more with envy, are frustrated because life is not as “it should be” etc.
If you give yourself great positive reasons why you want to achieve a specific goal, your subconscious will immediately take you at your word and begin working toward that goal. And it will keep working on that goal until instructed to do otherwise (and “otherwise” means until those negative excuses sneak back into your thinking).
That is why you need to feed your subconscious with great care because no matter what you feed your mind on it works incessantly on getting you the results it believes you want. The challenge is that those are also the thoughts you planted into it. For instance, when you watched a violent film on TV, or read about a disaster in the newspaper or watch a mindless cheating show. But those are not the results you want, are they? Or are they?
Take a minute, right now, and write down what it is you really want.
Write down all the reasons why you should have it and how it would benefit you and others
If you go through these steps you imprint your positive thoughts on your subconscious mind. And please don’t write out your excuses, they will come up by themselves more often than is good for you. Just focus on your positive reasons why and write those down to internalize them into your subconscious.
And then – Take action RIGHT NOW.
Take one first small step and experience how good it feels to move forward, to move towards your goal, without worrying about excuses or other roadblocks.
Did you take your first action? GREAT – you got your first result.
If you didn’t – why not?
I will leave some space here so you can fill in your excuses…
Move in the right direction! As always, the choice is yours!
Wishing you a fantastic WHY
Barbara Hofmeister
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