Getting Things Done - Master Coach Barbara Hofmeister

“The pain lies in the difference of what we think should happen and what actually happens” – Vernon Howard

Getting things done

In earlier posts I talked a lot about acountability. I personally know it is what makes me produce double and sometimes even triple what I normally do and with less stress.

My experience shows it to be extremely effective and inspiring to work in a group setting in which  accountability and commitment play an important part. If you are not ready to join our “TO BE
successful” mentoring program, find a friend, colleague or family member who also has serious goals and intends to reach them and make an arrangement with them.



Talkers vs Doers

I am sure you know someone who seems to be successful in their career but when you really look into it, they are just mediocre or even under performers. Those are the talkers. They talk about
success, about achievements and probably would really like to have them, but don’t actually get around to them because things get in the way continuously. Those are the “busy” people who do not have too much to show for their efforts. I was one of them for quite a while so I know what I am talking about.

The doers on the other hand make fast decisions and get stuff done without discussing and displaying it all first. Those are the ones you should seek out as accountability partners. But fasten your seat belt because they usually move fast and expect you to do the same.

Be successful!