Happy New Year – NY Resolutions are promises - Master Coach Barbara Hofmeister

The year 2017 has just started and most of us made some New Year Resolutions last night. My friend KieranRevell send me a great message which I want to share with you as I am in total agreement with what he says. Here it goes:


New Year resolutions are made and broken with monotonous regularity. Though treated lightly, they are in fact promises we make to ourselves about our futures – short medium and long term. When we dismiss them without a second thought and without really trying, we signal our inability to live up to our own expectations and have already begun the spiral of disappointment.

Unfortunately, most resolutions are made flippantly. We look back briefly at the year behind us, order another drink and swear to the four winds we’ll do better next year. So continues the whim. We put no stock in their importance to our lives.

What if you really could have an awesome future? If you knew in your heart you could affect the changes necessary to embrace the life you deserve and only ever dreamed of? Perhaps you know deep down you can do better but up until this point in your life, have lacked the resolve.

Many people will laugh and dismiss your resolutions as useless. ‘Don’t waste your time’? ‘You don’t have the courage to stick to any plan’? ‘Life is pretty good as it is: Why change it’? The list of excuses is endless and unfortunately, we so often take the path of least resistance and surrender even before we begin.

More than 70% of NY resolutions are not acted upon at all: More than 55% fail in the first three months and that increases to almost 80% over 6 months and so on. That doesn’t leave much. At the end, you simply have another failed batch of promises. Your life is right back where you were: The merry-go-round continues for another 12 months as nothing changes.

Why not make this year different and instead of wishing and hoping, then reverting to old habits, do something concrete? It is possible to lead an extraordinary life. You need only believe in yourself and your plan. Fill your every action with determination, drive, passion and gratitude. Now it’s time to take action.
If you fail to do anything, it’s not the end of your world but life will stagnate for another year. Is that what you want or do you really want to move from where you are, to a point of clarity and absolute prosperity? I know which one I choose!

The following steps will help you build an awesome life, based on the promises you make to yourself:
1. Write your ten most desired goals (short, medium & long term) in your journal;
2. Make the goals realistic & attainable;
3. Write the action needed to take to achieve them;
4. Write mantras/uplifting quotes next to every goal and recite it every day;
5. Create a time frame for each goal;
6. Create a contract with yourself & have it witnessed by a friend or family member;
7. Reward yourself when you achieve each goal, no matter how small;
8. Impose small harmless penalties if you fail to achieve them;
9. Don’t share your resolutions with anyone (they might not support you);
10. Share your results with family members and friends;
11. As you achieve them, cross them out and write in capital letters – ACHIEVED! – all in red pen.
12. Learn to smile and be grateful for even the smallest blessing in your life;
13. Once you do this successfully, you can make resolutions at any time of the year and achieve them.

It’s important you believe beyond question you’re the most important person in the world and your life truly matters: You’ll begin to evolve into the person you want to become. Always carry humility, respect, wisdom, trust, patience, understanding, love, faith, truth, generosity, gratitude and tolerance in your pocket and quietly hold them to your heart when you’re under pressure or unsure of the road you’re traveling.

I wish each and every one of you a safe, happy and incredibly prosperous 2012. With self-belief, determination and a clear plan of action, all things are achievable.

Stop procrastinating and start living. Imagine the possibilities …

With warmth and respect,


and Barbara <3