Hi Barbara,
I will most definitely post a very positive review on Amazon and FB! Seriously! I LOVE your book because it is right in alignment with my own philosophy. I also know the power of taking action. I like that it is a workbook and that people are doing life changing processes to change belief and perception.
This is a wonderful accomplishment that deserves a #10 on the self esteem meter. One thing I know for sure is that our point of attention is our point of attraction, so putting out attention on what is going right and all the wonderful things that have and are happening will attract more of the same!
Isn’t it interesting how life will give us the opportunity to have those old limiting beliefs rise to the surface. It is during those what we think are not so wonderful feelings that we get to turn around to ourselves laugh and say – ’there I go again-thinking those silly thoughts again’. And then practice the thoughts that are for us rather than against us.
I loved reading ‘Barbara’s Vivid Vision’ from the ‘Start With The End In Mind’ chapter. You ended your fabulous description of your life by saying -’ I am a happy, successful and enlightened women. Life holds only the best for me and I am gratefully using everything it has to give. Thank you universe!’
I LOVED that!
Life truly does hold only the best for you!
You are already a success!
Thank you again for joining us on our show! Your are a wonderful guest! Let’s do it again soon!
Kathleen Martin, US Radio Show Host
New York
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