Meet Barbara
Made of Steel, Heart of Gold…”
Barbara Hofmeister, who is known today as a best-selling author, a renowned international speaker, trainer, and a certified Master Coach, pushed uphill for much of her life. That is why she got so deeply involved in the topic of personal growth and development and is set on making it easier for the people she works with.
As a child, Barbara learned the hard way that freedom is not free, that you have to make sacrifices if you really want to live your dreams. She learned that you constantly make decisions – good and bad ones – that can change your life’ path, even if you are not always aware of them. She learned that not all “friends” are true friends and that some males think their superior physical strength gives them permission to violate a woman or child…
At age 8 Barbara had to become independent literally overnight, as she suddenly found herself alone in a small attic room in the middle of a big city in West Germany. Her family had just escaped from former Communist Germany with nothing more than the clothes on their backs. They were now refugees. No friends, no relatives, not even parents as her parents worked literally day and night to make her father’s dream of becoming a successful business owner come true. It was tough for little Barbara who had no-one to turn to – except herself but she survived and learned her lessons.
However, these horrific experiences made her into who she is today; more resilient, more determined to help and more aware how important it is to have a dream and follow it. We are all here for a reason, our life has a purpose that is outside of growing up, getting a job, having a family and retiring. We want to add value and need a reason to get out of bed in the morning. We need a real WHY – why we should go that extra mile!
In 1978 a friend gave Barbara a book called “Your Erroneous Zones” by Dr. Wayne Dyer and it started her on her journey of personal discovery and lead into the study of human growth and potential. For her, this is a never ending journey she is still on today as she keeps studying and learning for at least an hour every day.
<p Since 1994 Barbara teaches what she has learned from her 39 years in the field of Personal Development and the University of Hard Knocks. Her extensive travels and own life’s experiences have created an understanding and connection with people rarely accessed by others. For her coaching is not so much a business. She feels it is her mission to help people get out of whatever unsatisfying situation they might find themselves in and into living the life they really desire.
The documented experience of the thousands of people who have walked out of her live events, mentoring and coaching programs, having found exactly what they needed, may be the reason you have found this unique lady today.
Society is changing. Today there are more Singles than ever before in human history. Another phenomenon is that many people, especially women, in their 40th, 50th and even 60th find themselves wanting to change careers into something more meaningful and fulfilling. Some are being forced by circumstances to create a new life for themselves but more often than not, they do it because they want more purpose to their life. They want to contribute and do something valuable. In the last few years, more and more men are joining their ranks. Cooperation and Contribution are the words of today and with my 60+ years life’s experience and 39 years of studying the human potential I feel that I am qualified and determined to help. Some think because I am German and I talk about determination it has to be hard work. Not at all, because when you DO WHAT YOU LOVE TO DO every day is a gift, not a hardship. I live to help you get through the dark valleys of your life and onto the peaks of your dreams.
– Barbara Hofmeister
Barbara HofmeisterBarbara became interested in her own personal growth in 1978 and has not stopped studying the topic since. Nearly three decades later she got upset while reading yet another so-called self-help book that told her WHAT TO DO but NOT HOW TO DO it and decided to write down all her learnings and share them with the public. Three years later her book “To be or not to be – the Choice is YOURS!” was published and became an Amazon bestseller. It uses a practical step by step approach to getting you from where you are today to where you want to go in your life. Check out the reviews on

Barbara moving the crowds
Barbara considers it her mission to help as many people as possible to rediscover their dreams and to gain the confidence and belief in themselves to actually make them come true. Barbara is a passionate advocate of constant learning and reinventing oneself. No matter whether you are in one of her coaching groups or go to her workshops, you will always get drawn in by her never ending enthusiasm and passion for helping you succeed.
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Luke Chapman“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In in risus eget lectus suscipit malesuada. Maecenas ut urna mollis, aliquam eros at, laoreet metus. Proin ac eros eros. Suspendisse auctor, eros ac sollicitudin vulputate, urna arcu sodales quam, eget faucibus eros ante nec enim.
Etiam quis eros in enim molestie tempus a non urna. Suspendisse nibh massa, tristique sit amet interdum non, fermentum in quam. “
Luke Chapman“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In in risus eget lectus suscipit malesuada. Maecenas ut urna mollis, aliquam eros at, laoreet metus. Proin ac eros eros. Suspendisse auctor, eros ac sollicitudin vulputate, urna arcu sodales quam, eget faucibus eros ante nec enim.
Etiam quis eros in enim molestie tempus a non urna. Suspendisse nibh massa, tristique sit amet interdum non, fermentum in quam. “
Luke Chapman

Frequently Asked Questions
Can I use the themes on multiple sites?
Yes, you are free to use our themes on as many websites as you like. We do not place any restrictions on how many times you can download or use a theme, nor do we limit the number of domains that you can install our themes to.
What is your refund policy?
We offer no-questions-asked refunds to all customers within 30 days of your purchase. If you are not satisfied with our product, then simply send us an email and we will refund your purchase right away. Our goal has always been to create a happy, thriving community. If you are not thrilled with the product or are not enjoying the experience, then we have no interest in forcing you to stay an unhappy member.
What are Photoshop Files?
Elegant Themes offers two different packages: Personal and Developer. The Personal Subscription is ideal for the average user while the Developers License is meant for experienced designers who wish to customize their themes using the original Photoshop files. Photoshop files are the original design files that were used to create the theme. They can be opened using Adobe Photoshop and edited, and prove very useful for customers wishing to change their theme’s design in some way.
Can I upgrade after signing up?
Yes, you can upgrade at any time after signing up. When you log in as a “personal” subscriber, you will see a notice regarding your current package and instructions on how to upgrade.
Can I use your themes with
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