Self Confidence… that comfortable freedom to simply be yourself – absolutely certain that is more than good enough! A strong, healthy confidence is a warm reassuring feeling that in this life you can achieve pretty much all you want! The feeling that you can do whatever necessary to achieve your personal dreams!
Unfortunately most of us don’t have this strong belief in ourselves and our abilities. We have been mystified, one time or another and some very often, with conflicting beliefs. Maybe, when you were a child, some ‘authority’ figure ridiculed, embarrassed or scolded you. And you took that criticism too much to heart, as children tend to do because of their admiration of the adults around them they love.
You might even have heard your parents, grandparents or teachers say things like:
“You’re not good enough” or “You’re not smart enough” – maybe even, “You’ll never be able to…” or “You’ll never amount to anything.” These types of remarks coming from people we look up to can be very destructive for our self esteem.
It is not important how unreliable the source might have been or how misconceived the disparaging remarks were, they may still be making you feel a lack of confidence and low self-esteem today.
Furthermore, discouraging words spoken many years ago might lead you to find fault with many things you do and be overly critical with yourself.
Enough is enough!!!
Get yourself a journal and start each day by writing your strength, achievements and blessings down. You will be surprised how much you can come up with even though it might feel a little awkward at first. Concentrate purely on what works and leave the things that went wrong – now or in the past – behind.
The past is gone and cannot be changed. The future will come – whether we keep our disempowering beliefs or not. Today – NOW is the only time we can make a change and we can do that by starting to build our self esteem inventory!
Start NOW by writing at least 5 strength and achievements in your life down and then go out and get a journal so you can fill it in each day with a minimum of 3 of your personal blessings!
Give yourself the time. YOU ARE WORTH IT!
Barbara Hofmeister