Testimonials and Reviews
In this book Barbara helps you recover your dreams and offers you the roadmap to your personal success. Now all you need to do is follow through. The steps and techniques she lays out take you through an easy to follow process that will help you rediscover your purpose and passion. It will also help you define the beliefs and fears that have been holding you back. It’s a powerful process that can completely transform your life. However, this is not a reading book. It takes some effort from your side to actually do the exercise offered herein. You have the choice to put this aside half read or to make a commitment to yourself and your loved ones to truly live the life of your dreams.
T. Harv EkerThis book is not only words; it is a vivid life experience. I think this is very important, when the writer knows what she is talking about. This is not surmises or guessing how it should be, but a strong belief and knowing of the subject! After reading this book you are starting to believe there is nothing you can’t do.
Since our interview & reading your book, my life has been forever changed! I am so grateful to YOU Barbara Hofmeister!
Tonya Melendez on facebook on July 13, 2011The TO BE book by Barbara Hofmeister ranks in my list of best books next to those by Zig Ziglar, Napoleon Hill and Tom Peters. You’ve got two options: not read it for whatever excuse, and live your life at the same level of excuses … and keep on complaining on how tough life is for you … or read it, act up on it, and expand your life to it’s highest potential. The choice is yours. I already read it and can recommend you to do the same.
Tom Commeine, BelgiumTo be or not to be – the choice is YOURS! is more than just another self help book. This is a complete program from A to Z. Barbara provides exercises, techniques and insights that will take your personal growth to a whole new level. Barbara activates thoughts in the reader that make it so clear and easy to see how to begin moving from struggle to your dream life, the one that you choose. She reminds us in such a beautiful and inspiring way that we do have freedom of choice.
If you apply the techniques in this book- you will change. Your life will change. You really can create your life and Barbara shows us a fun, simple path to all of life’s treasures. Stop complaining about your life and take action. This book is the only tool you’ll need. God bless you Barbara!
Try It! You Have EVERYTHING To Gain!In life we often need a new good book “as a friend”. This is the moment when we go to the bookstore and we know there will be something that brings us forward; something that inspires us to keep going on and to make the right choice in the next moment in our life. With “TO BE OR NOT TO BE – THE CHOICE IS YOURS!” you never feel alone, because you, the writer, starts to communicate directly with us, the readers. I’m happy to have a new excellent “Book Friend” with “TO BE OR NOT TO BE – THE CHOICE IS YOURS!”. With your strong message in your Book, TO BE OR NOT TO BE, I keep on going to do the best I can in my life.
I like to invite and inspire everybody to do the same.
This is a book that not only helps you ask and answer the questions that you have in your life … but also assist you in working through them. Processes are given to help you get to where you want to be ….. that is, if you really want what you say it is that you want. This book forces you to confront the truth of who, why and what you really are. As the title says, to be or not to be — the choice is yours.
The book “To be or not to be- the Choice is Yours”, written by Barbara Hofmeister is really amazing and unique. It’s a guide on your way to make your goals come true. The language of the book is really simple. Very important ideas are explained clearly and precisely. Thanks to the division into several chapters you can easily find the one you need. All the chapters are connected between each other and devoted to the most important topics about self-esteem, recognition, belief, dreams, and goals.
The book “To be or not to be- choice is yours” changed my life totally. Before reading it I could hardly understand who I was. I did not see what way to go and what to do with my life. I was lost and desperate. Luckily I started to work with this book. Carefully I did every assignment. Some of them made my cry, after some of them I was really excited. I learned a lot from the book. For example, I realized how important it is to value myself first. I found this idea in the book.
The more I read the book, the more my life was changing the way I wanted it to. I got peace and harmony with myself. My self-esteem was going up. My results became amazing as well. I am from Russia and to go to the United States was my burning desire but we had no money and no visa. After my attitude towards myself changed thanks to this amazing book, I managed to come to America all by myself. Right now I am studying and follow the idea ‘If you believe you can- you can‘. I get satisfaction from my life now and enjoy it as much as I can. My happiness is coming from inside. I am so happy this way.
I am sure the book “To be or not to be -choice is yours” will continue to be my guide to the top of success and making my set goals come true. Barbara Hofmeister is a talented writer and an amazing person who helped me to believe in myself. Thank you a lot!
Natasha Zlobina, Russia and now Florida
I feel as if I was running around in circles for most of my life. Even attending seminars by the big gurus in the self-improvement industry did not help me find myself – until I found Barbara’s book. I had been following her on facebook for a while and liked what I saw so I decided to try her To BE book as she calls it.
The book is unique. It is not only very inspirational and personal. It is also practical.
My life has changed because I took Barbara’s book for what it is – a guide to a better life. You have to work it; reading is not enough. If you are like me, you will enjoy the soul-searching For me this is the BEST self help book ever!
Amazon review by Alisha FletcherI LOVE your book because it is right in alignment with my own philosophy. I also know the power of taking action. I like that it is a workbook and that people are doing life changing processes to change belief and perception.
This is a wonderful accomplishment that deserves a #10 on the self esteem meter. One thing I know for sure is that our point of attention is our point of attraction, so putting out attention on what is going right and all the wonderful things that have and are happening will attract more of the same!
Isn’t it interesting how life will give us the opportunity to have those old limiting beliefs rise to the surface. It is during those what we think are not so wonderful feelings that we get to turn around to ourselves laugh and say -‘there I go again-thinking those silly thoughts again’. And then practice the thoughts that are for us rather than against us.
I loved reading ‘Barbara’s Vivid Vision’ from the ‘Start With The End In Mind’ chapter. You ended your fabulous description of your life by saying -‘ I am a happy, successful and enlightened women. Life holds only the best for me and I am gratefully using everything it has to give. Thank you universe!’
I LOVED that!
Life truly does hold only the best for you!
You are already a success!
Thank you again for joining us on our show! Your are a wonderful guest! Let’s do it again soon!
Kathleen Martin, US Radio Show Host New YorkYou see how we live, trapped by convention, culture, expectations of others etc.
You don’t live that
I think many self-help books are fluffy. They are written for one purpose – to make money. The people who write them have a holier than thou approach.
Not you. You talk to your members as one of them and actually get us to get up and do it.”
– Katie-Anne, SwedenYou see how we live, trapped by convention, culture, expectation of others etc.
You don’t live that way, and seem to have done it differently from an early age. From your experiences, you understand why we do what we do, and how we can change our lives by being honest with ourselves about what it is we really want from life, and then working towards achieving that.
I think many self-help books are fluffy. They are written for one purpose – to make money. The people who write them have a holier than thou approach.
Not you. You talk to your members as one of them and actually get us to get up and do it.”
Author of “Walk in Peace” and “My Soulful Journey”By sharing details of her own transformations and wake up calls, Barbara shows how to use a series of tools to help you get the life you want. The book is choc full of anecdotes, questions, quotes and inspiration to help you move forwards.
Barbara Hofmeister has written a great “get off your butt and make it happen” book. In it she gives us exercises to help us create the life we dream about, take control of our destiny, spread our wings and step out into the greatness of our imaginations and dreams.
This is a great book for readers of any age. Those who are just starting out in life,and those who are at a crossroad. It is for anyone who is uncertain of the future and needs a gentle push in the right direction.
Host of Page Readers? www.pagereaders.comBarbara Hofmeister hit the nail on the head with this one! This is an excellent resource for uncovering those thoughts that keep you stuck. The format is great and easy to follow. The process that Barbara takes you through gives you an opportunity to really rethink your thinking. I loved reading it as much as I did doing the work she requires. Great job, Barbara, and thank you for sharing your gift with the world!
I can honestly say that after attending many self help/motivation seminars, listening to all the big names in motivational speakers arena and doing all the positive thinking possible, the To Be Book is the one that has lit a fire under my butt! It hit home with a wake up call that time is running out on living life to my dreams and expectations. It has forced me to analyze things that I have not thought about, write them down and write down the actions for me to make a change in my life.
Best of all it’s working and it’s sunk into my sub conscious and now I can immediately identify my self sabotage habits.
Thank you Barbara Hofmeister for such a life changing book.
Santiago E. Perez, FloridaYour book has helped me get organised and get a structure to set up my goals and prepare an action plan, which I needed. I have found the exercises very useful. I have particularly enjoyed the visualization exercise on the life we want. I have actually prepared a Dream Board which I look at most days.
I also liked a lot your encouragement throughout the book. I almost felt as if you were here with me.
I am actually going to go through the book a second time and re-do some of the exercises, and prepare an action plan for my main goals, and then I’ll just have to put it into practice.
Thanks so much!
Patricia Gomez, SpainI started reading your “Choices” book tonight. I’ve read 3 other books on goal setting, knowing your vision etc during the last week so it’s all familiar information but somehow your book really spoke to me. I was fighting back tears as I read and made notes. I’m up to about p46 now. I love the Mandela speech and I’ve got to stop playing small.
Your 5 year vision was amazing, tearfully beautiful and you deserve every bit of it. You are so right. We want to touch other people’s lives and we won’t do it by holding back.
And making the dream, the vision, the mission a reality has to be right up there. I really am focusing and concentrating on all of this. Thank you Barbara
I love your “Meet Yebut”. I’m very impressed that T Harv Eker wrote the foreword.
– Antonia Harrison, BelgiumAs I assist and counsel others wanting to change their lives, the core of the matter is what do they choose? Often I am greeted with “I don’t know what to choose.” That is because they are still struggling with whom they are. This book is phenomenal to find that out! Pretty much everyone is “being” whom everyone else has told them to be. This leads to tremendous unhappiness. Now it’s time, and this workbook helps you, to find out who you are and who you want to be. Yes, it’s a workbook. You’ve spent years working at what you’re not. Don’t you think you deserve to spend some time finding out who you are? Sorry to say this is not a “microwave” solution. You will need to continue working at it to remove all the limitations you’ve accepted; however, the rewards are well worth it!
Barbara, your new book “To Be or Not To Be: The Choice is YOURS” is a wonderful, practical and clearly written workbook. I love the quotes and other references you make to a myriad of resources. If you REALLY want to make your dreams come true, then USE this book to address those fears, the negative self-talk, and commit todoable steps to make it happen. I so enjoyed having you on the radio show.
– Patricia Porter, Texas Conflict CoachBarbara, I started reading your book last week. It is amazing! So full of easy to do techniques that actually got me to reignite my big dream. I had almost forgotten it. Unbelievable, don’t know how that was possible but it’s true. Your book has helped me immensely. Thanks
Irene Stetten, Germany“You know Barbara, your short writing on Dreams is so touching and inspiring. I have great plans to change the world and I’m young and a student. I’m thankful that you gave the first chapter free. I READ IT SEVERAL TIMES A DAY. IT‘S THAT GOOD. LOVE YOU AND GOD BLESS.”
Noah Prince, IndonesiaHaving studied personal development this book is simple and easy to follow even for a beginner. A friendly reminder of what one truly wants and how to approach where you want to go. Often times we get caught up in everyday life and not think of ourselves. Take the time to read this book and re-align yourself by following this practical self-help book with the steps and exercises provided. You have the choice to To Be or Not to be as the title says. I choose To Be!
5.0 out of 5 stars Barbara’s Simple Easy Approach, Amazon UK on 24 May 2011 ByAndrew M “Andy” (London, UK)I’m reading and working through your book and really appreciating it. It’s lighting the drive inside me that I’ve let be muffled for too long. Just what I needed! I really appreciate your European perspective. Most of the inspirational material out there just now is from America and feels a bit “over the top”. Yours feels nice and grounded but just as dynamic. Thanks!
I’ll be recommending your book, especially as I have more evidence of my transformation to demonstrate. Many thanks and lots of wishes of happiness to you!
Barbara, we have to let people know your TO BE book is available. I want to help you in your endeavor to help others. I’m really excited for you because I believe this book will be wildly successful.
Daniel Orlean, FloridaYes, I have read your book and have written down the 5 things on the “Wake-up call” chapter. This week I’m going to dig more to answer the “What do you want” chapter. I’m in the wake-up call phase, just awake 5months ago, and I’m just glad that I accidently found you on Twitter. This is so exciting Barbara, I never done this kind of writing before
A N D I N A (through facebook)
Your book is very impressive and obviously a result of a lot of study. I am confident that any number of people can benefit from it to say nothing of those that already have. Great work.
Dr. Ed Moloney Author: Focus ChangeI’m really enjoying your book. “To Be Or Not To Be – the Choice is Yours!” is insightful, practical and designed to help us tap into our potential. This (work)book is a “must-have” for anyone seeking to fulfill their greatness. If you desire to do, be and have more in your life, then get your copy TODAY!
LaShawn McCrary, US Radio Show HostI like the idea it is a workbook, for just reading about something inspires you for the moment, but doing the “work” is what makes the change. I know your book will be a huge success and change many lives!
America’s Life Purpose Coach™Ms. Hofmeister, thank you for reminding me that I have a choice in being an active participant in my good success. I love the To Be book! Every exercise challenges me to look within and lay out a clear & precise plan for this wonderful life that I have the power to design.
Regardless, of where you are in life; the benefits of absorbing the divine wisdom Ms. Hofmeister freely shares, based off of her personal life experience(s) and others, is priceless. The To Be book (workbook) is in a league of its own, and another great Personal Development staple to add expediently to your library with the other greats!
For this one thing I am confident of; the principles and fundamental philosophy pertained in the To Be book have been tried, tested and proven to bring success; however, the choice is always up to the reader.
This powerful orange book that illuminates so brightly in the Earth will surely stand the test of time, as it is universally changing lives – one reader at a time. Especially mine! Do yourself a favor and invest in this book. You will be so happy you did. I AM!
See you at the top!
Executive Producer & Host of “TaWand Talk”This isn’t about theory.
Your system is about doing and achieving.
I think you really want people to get the vision they want for themselves. That’s way you ask us to describe it so vividly – and finally I got it.
I am not a victim anymore. Thank you so much.
– Charles Burke, USAJust want to say Thank you for the inspiration. I have learned a lot from you. When we met at TTT, you made me re-consider on my own book. It sounded so simple and fun to write a book, and now it feels so lifting to write one and working on my book to be published by march 11. hope i can meet the deadline. :p
When it ends, I might consider myself achieved something. The supports I get from people are amazingly powerful to enjoy to be as we are. I guess you know what I am.
I believe you gave me the information I needed at that time.
Love your work, Monica Batsukh (via facebook)“To Be or not to BE-the choice is YOURS!”” is not merely a reading book, it is actually a full manual, a full program that walks you through the processes of:
* Becoming clear on what you really want
* Creating a vision of your dream life
* Facing your challenges and overcoming them
* Setting clear anchors and goals
* Using a step by step process to achieve those goals
* Clearly defining and living your life purpose!
Barbara Hofmeister’s book is all about the fact that we always have a choice, and that you can achieve the life of your dreams, if you so choose, “To Be Or Not To Be”…
It is a book for anyone who desires to go beyond their present reality, stretch their boundaries and live the life of their dreams… Enjoy!
Barbara Hofmeister: Author, Speaker, Trainer, Certified NLP Master Practitioner, Master Peak Performance Life Coach, a woman who has given over 250 live presentations and keynote speeches in 13 countries…
Doreen Whitelock, USABarbara, amazing is not saying enough when talking about your book. I believe it is needed. Finally a self help book that gives us a clear plan and plenty of easy to follow exercise that bring real results. The introspection I went through answering your questions was eye opening. At last I am clear on what I want and have started to take my first steps towards getting it.
You are right about us passing by too many opportunities because of fears and lack of belief in our self. I am very grateful to you for sharing your experiences and showing us such a clear path. Thank you Barbara.
Noirin Azzadrou, South AfricaI want to let you know that no matter what happens you are going to be a great success. I know this because I am an expert in the field of behavior and I am very good at assessing person’s abilities and their will to get the job done. You have the power to become one of the biggest inspirations to your clients.
I see also someone who is a very big role model for kids, specifically girls, in the area of development. You are by far one of the strongest people I have ever worked with. YOU WILL SUCCEED and together someday WE can make a difference in one small sector of a market, but on your own you will reach millions!
– Dr. John P. DeMannYou could be the best female Coach/Trainer on any level because you really care. All you have to do is get someone to market you with the same passion you coach us.
-Morgan Standal, AustraliaBarbara is that rare breed of person; not only a woman who has a clear vision of where she is going and what she intends to achieve but also one who can clearly implement a plan and bring it to fruition.
Most of us have strengths that make us effective to initiate a project, or run with it for a certain distance, or complete and manage different parts of a project.
Barbara manages all stages and with equal enthusiasm and commitment – this is quite a rare talent. She does not give up when the going gets tough and she ensures that you don’t give up either. This clarity, commitment, tenacity and tidiness are wonderful qualities in a personal life coach and trainer. With Barbara you get the whole team in one person!
Director of Professional Education, Letchworth Centre for Complementary Medicine, EnglandBarbara helped me through a painful break-up and led me quickly to new perspective ensuring that I was able to move on.
Her book is inspiring, practical and challenging from the start. It makes you ask yourself questions.
Barbara’s aim is for you to move forward on the path to creating the life you really want. No one will do it for you but this book is about making your choices. If you make the right choices based on the answers you find, your life will change from reading this book. If you just read the first chapter, as most people do of any book, then your life will stay in your perhaps uncomfortable comfort zone. If you seriously want things to change, then I recommend Barbara Hofmeister’s practical advice and wisdom to you.
From reading this book, I know myself better and I have reached the point where I know what I want to do and why. I will not accept a life of doing what others want me to do. Over the weeks of reading and applying this book, I have reached peace and contentment. You can too. The Choice is Yours!
Antonia Stuart-James, BelgiumBarbara Hofmeister has written a book that is more than merely passive reading. While it is filled with wisdom and wonderful quotes, the real gems lie in the many exercises she has throughout the book. Anyone can easily follow and do these techniques. They are thought provoking and clarifying. Barbara takes you carefully step by step through the information and exercises. By the time you are done with the book you will have achieved a clear understanding of what you want, how to deal with your blockages and move into inspired action. This is a life-changing book for those who are willing to accept the invitation to delve into the processes and make the changes!
Estra Roell, USAThe To Be Book by Barbara Hofmeister is as she states “A Workbook to Freedom”. It is an enlightening, practical gem with detailed instructions.
Her life experience examples, help guide you through the exercises. You have to work, you have to be pro-active and put some time and effort into what Barbara has given us. It will empower your life to a greater level. One of the best and most easy to follow self-help, personal development books I have be honored to add to my library.
I have just read To Be or Not To Be – The Choice Is Yours. The book started off with an impressive forward by Personal development giant T. Harv Eker. The author then took me on a great journey of self exploration and discovery.
Some events in life can have a profound positive impact on you, for me this book was one of those events.
The book was written by someone who I could relate to, someone who still had goals and dreams and someone who has had success and failure in their lives.
This book puts the `Personal’ into personal development.
The book is full of great assignments, some of which were easy and others that needed some real soul searching. Barbara tells us early on that this is a ‘work book’. You really will get out of this book what you put in.
One of Barbara’s dreams was to help transform the readers life into the life of their dreams: Well Barbara your wish has come true, I am on my way to living the life of my dreams. Thank you.
By the end of the book I felt like I knew the real me. Once this happened I knew what path to take in my life and I felt passionate about doing it.
On the acknowledgements page of To Be or Not To Be – The Choice is yours, Barbara thanks experts such as Jim Rohn, Tony Robbins, Dr Wayne Dyer, and Mark Victor Hansen, after reading this book Barbara Hofmeister has earned her place beside these other giants in personal development.
Dublin, IrelandBarbara Hofmeister hit the nail on the head with this one! This is an excellent resource for uncovering those thoughts that keep you stuck. The format is great and easy to follow. The process that Barbara takes you through gives you an opportunity to really rethink your thinking. I loved reading it as much as I did doing the work she requires. Great job, Barbara, and thank you for sharing your gift with the world!
5.0 out of 5 stars Great Book for Inside Work, Amazon May 14, 2011 By MsKHarrisThis book is the next best thing to having your own personal life coach. Barbara Hofmeister – author, coach and public speaker – is herself an inspiration as someone who is living the life of her dreams whilst she is in turn inspiring and encouraging people across the globe to have the courage and confidence to go for their dreams.
Success is not the result of magic, but of determined action. The steps are:
1) Know what you want.
2) Believe you can get it.
3) Take massive action to get it.
Now, as Barbara insists, it’s important to treat this book as a workbook and do all the exercises, otherwise it will not work. If you follow the steps in this book, you’ll be well on your way to living the full life you’ve always wanted.
The next best thing to having your own personal coach! Amazon, December 6, 2010 By Patricia Gomez Wilkie “patgwilkie”This book is a true inspiration for me as I can relate to what Barbara has gone through and we have a lot in common. This book will be a great companion for me where ever I go, it is something to stay in my reading collection!
Thank you, Barbara!! To be or not to be – the choice is YOURS!
A true inspiration, Amazon April 27, 2011 By B. Cornell (Ft. Stewart, GA)Thank You Barbara Hofmeister! You are truly an inspiration! Having a conversation with you is truly FUN and energizing AND now, I have “worked” the book and revisited many things and discovered even MORE!! I have shared this book and will continue to share it for those who WANT TO CHANGE!
You have to “work” the book. Yes, you can flip through it, but it is MORE than a book to read, it is a book to facilitate change on a cellular level, get in to it! When you buy the book, be sure to have a journal also standing by. Do the assignments, get inspired and take the action!!
Love it!!
This is a divine guide to help individuals take self responsibility to make their dreams a reality. This is a great start for discovering your passions, purpose and life blueprint. However, it’s up to you to decided To Be or Not To Be.