The Law of Cause and Effect - Master Coach Barbara Hofmeister

The law of Cause and Effect states that every action has an equal reaction.

Since it is scientifcally proven – beyond a shadow of doubt – that thoughts are creating energy and as the whole world as we know it, consists of energy, we also know that every thought creates an effect. This effect is caused by our thoughts!

Truth is, we create our thoughts and our thoughts create our world. Problem is, most of those thoughts are unconscious (up to 98%!). When we vibrate at a high frequency, for instance during prayer, chanting, meditation, special breathing exercise etc. we create our thoughts consciously. The rest of the time we create them unconsciously.

Let’s say, you have financial problems. Your mortgage or rental payment is due and you don’t know how to pay it. Your focus (your thoughts) is turning around and around this issue. Unfortunately your thoughts don’t focus on the solution. They focus on the problem, don’t they? ‘They focus on the lack of money.

To find a solution to any problem, we need to focus our thoughts on the possible solutions, otherwise our creative juices can’t flow. Escpecially as thoughts that are accompanied by emotions create much larger amounts of energy as random thoughts do. When that emotion is fear, lack, and worry you create strong, negative energy fields that cause your lack of money to grow. The Universe will fulfill your thoughts, the thoughts that create the effect of not having money. This was known long before the film “The Secret” came along. The Universe does not know the difference between yes or no, good or bad. So the more you worry and fear something will happen, the more likely it is that it will. At the same time, the more you focus on a solution and become creative, the more likely it is that you will be able to get yourself out of this situation.

When a thought gathers enough energy to become a belief, it has an even greater effect on you and on the world as a whole. A belief becomes part of your operational system and as an effect you create physcial experiences and circumstances in your life that strengthen that belief on a continuous basis. The really crazy thing is, that our personal ego becomes so strong that we rather be right than be happy and successful.

What you believe to be true, is how your world will be presenting itself to you. Remember, everyone has a unique model of the world. This is one of the ways yours is created.

Another NLP principal that is proven here is that perception is projection but more of that tomorrow…