With Robert G. Allen in California
I combine my nearly 40 years of personal development and human potential studies with the latest cutting-edge techniques and tools from Coaching, Neuroscience, NLP, Hypnotherapy, Timeline, Positive Psychology, Energy Healing and much more to develop a step-by-step plan FOR YOU that’s structured, action-oriented, and totally focused on you reaching your desired outcomes.
During your coaching, you will get 100% personalized assistance in any area of life you might feel stuck in or want to create better results.
Using my relaxed, non-judgmental way of coaching, we usually start our partnership by creating a crystal clear vision of what you really want – out of life, your career and from your coaching with me.
Once we have a clear idea of what you want to accomplish, I’ll help you break through any stubborn blocks that might have kept you stuck (sometimes for many years) and together we will shift your mindset in ways you probably never thought were possible.
Our coaching sessions will be done via zoom or Skype conferencing line so location is never an issue. No matter where you are, I can conveniently work with you from anywhere as long as you have internet access. Actually, we found that not being physically in the same room helps most people open up faster so doing it via video is
What Makes My Coaching Unique?
Coaching is very personal. I do not consider it to just be a service I provide. I know that coaching is life changing and as the facilitator of something so meaningful, I am fully aware of the responsibility I have towards you – my client and the results we can create for you! I treat every client, without exception, just as I would like to be treated; with love, dignity, respect, and integrity. I am on your side at all times. You can rely on me!
The Coaching Relationship
It is absolutely vital that we practice open and honest communication and develop a deep, committed coaching relationship that is governed by integrity and trust and confidentiality. What is said during our coaching sessions stays
Am I Qualified to Coach You?
You probably know that anybody can call them self ‘coach’ and many do. Thousands of so-called ‘coaches’ have never been trained to coach, have never even been coached themselves and frequently have little idea how to help you get real results.
I am not only very experienced but also highly qualified. I hold certifications as a Master Life Coach, a Master Business Coach, a Peak Performance Coach, a Trainer of NLP, a certified Energy Healer, Hypnotherapist, Distinguished Toastmaster, Peace Process Master Practitioner, Instant Miracle Master Trainer, and much, much more… With over two decades of experience as a certified

Even after nearly 40 years in personal development and having facilitated over a hundred workshops myself, I keep attending seminars and workshops all over the world. In the last 6 months alone I have been to Las Vegas, London, and Dubai for a total of 24 days of intense learning. That plus I read and research continuously and have a huge network of active coaches and trainers that I exchange ideas and new learnings with. In summary, I JUST LOVE COACHING AND TEACHING!!! If you would ever come to visit me, you would find hundreds of books and programs on human potential in every room. That way I can offer you the latest technologies with the best possible solutions and will always have your best interest at heart.
Are we a good fit?
We will have to see. That is why I offer a complimentary “Clarity” Coaching Consultation before either of us decides if we want to work with each other. You are probably aware that there are thousands of Life Coaches out there. All have different skillsets and areas of expertise and approaches and styles can vary greatly. That is the reason why we meet first, then we decide.
For now, I invite you to read the following points and if you think we would resonate, we should definitely talk. You can book your “Clarity” session here.
You’ll see positive results if…
You are aware that life coaching is a holistic approach and will, while working on one issue, include all areas of life.
You take responsibility for your results and believe that you get out of life what you put into it. You are looking forward to making profound, positive changes in those areas of your life where you need them.
You’re open and ready for
You’re willing to step back and take an objective look at your life, re-assess your deep-seated beliefs, habits, and thought patterns.
You are willing to be in a structured coaching relationship that keeps you on track and accountable to taking action.
And last but not least; you believe you are here for a greater purpose than just to exist. You want to give your life more meaning and are aware that personal responsibility is the key to success.
However, we probably won’t be such a great fit if…
You think you know it all and that there is nothing anyone can do to change your situation. In this
You think it’s cool to have a Life Coach, but don’t want to do any of the work involved to get you better outcomes. A coach is a facilitator, a guide, not the fairy with the magic wand even though sometimes it feels like it.
You think life (your boss/partner/neighbor/friend/colleague/circumstances) is treating you unfair and the world owes you something.
You have serious commitment issues in terms of keeping your word, showing up for appointments or otherwise not doing things you promise to do.
You have deep psychological problems or trauma that’s affecting your ability to function well. You have fears or phobias that seem extreme and resistant to change, or you believe you have clinical depression, severe anxiety, or addiction issues that aren’t being treated by a medical professional. Sorry, in this case, please go to see a professional therapist.
You only want a Business Coach to help get you to higher profits – if you’re only looking for more business profit and everything else in your life works like a charm, I’m probably not right for the job as I do take a holistic approach that includes all areas of your life. In my eyes, even profits depend on your mindset. However, I can put you in touch with someone who focuses purely on business growth if that is what you want.
Now that you have read all of the above and believe that coaching with me could be right for you, let’s connect for a free introductory CLARITY session so we can get to know each other asap:
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