Why most people fail - Master Coach Barbara Hofmeister

We are all unique individuals but at the same time we have many things in common. One of those communalities are the reasons why most people fail. They seem to be the same in all cultures.  So let’s have a look at them:

The reason No. 1 why most people fail is that they don’t really know what they want. They have no clear idea of where they want to go with their life and if you are not sure where you are going, how can you expect to get there?

The second reason why most people fail is that they don’t really believe they deserve to achieve their dreams or the don’t believe they can achieve them.

The third reason is that they never turn their dreams into real goals with a time line and with achievable steppings stones on the way.

Because of the above, people take no action or the action they take is not focused on a certain outcome and therefore doesn’t get them the desired results which often leads to frustration instead of motivation.

So the first thing you need is to know what you want.

I suggest you start to write down all the things you still want to achieve, want to do, have and be(come) in your life and contemplate it a little once you have written it down. I will give you further techniques in one of the next posts but meanwhile I suggest you get the FREE preview of my book “To be or not to be – the choice is YOURS!” as that will help you to get clear on  what it is you truly want.

All you need to do is put in your name and email in the box underneath and the first 38 pages of the TO BE  book will be on the way to you immediately. It’s now time that you get clear about the destiny of your life. Don’t put this off any longer. You don’t want to be one of the one’s that fail, do you?