Why You Need to Plan Your Life - Master Coach Barbara Hofmeister

Jim Rohn said: “Most people plan their vacation better than they plan their life” and he is right. Most people do. Isn’t that crazy?

So let’s take the example of  going on holiday. Do you just get into your car, and drive off with no clear idea of where you are going? Granted, doing that could be quite an adventure, but if you wanted to see or do certain things,  you would have some kind of a map or a plan, wouldn’t you? And even before you can really begin to plan, you would need a clear idea of your destination, of the end point of your journey. That makes sense, right? You can’t drive anywhere if you don’t know where you are driving to!

Nonetheless that is what many of us do in our life. We have no clear plan, we have no clear direction. We just drift along hoping to one day be successful, be happy, be fulfilled.

How likely is that to happen?

How can you ever get to any destination if you are not clear where or what that destination is?

I keep hitting this point because about 95% of people I work with don’t know where they want their life to end up – they don’t have a destination, no destiny, no purpose, no real goals – just vague ideas but a vague destination is like shooting in the air hoping to hit a duck. Not likely to happen, is it?

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