You are what you think - Master Coach Barbara Hofmeister

We are still talking about Mark Victor Hansen’s quote:

“You are not who you think you are but what you think you are.

Yesterday we talked about our belief system and how we perceive ourself or how other’s perceive us is not necessarily who we are. Today I want to talk about the second part of the MVH quote and that is “What you think you are”.

We have probably all heard what you focus on expands. Or Napoleon Hill’s “You become what you think about all day long.” This is correct and can be seen in every life situation.

Let me give you some examples. In the last few years since the bank crashes more people than usual are struggling financially. When you can’t pay the rent or your mortgage fear sets in, you start to worry. And what do you focus on? You focus on on the worse case, on how you might lose your apartment or house, your job or your car. Your thoughts are constantly turning around this central point and many of us feel paralyzed by fear and worry.

And remember, what you focus on expands!

O do you want more worries?

Of course you don’t. Still while you are focusing on what is not working in your life this is what you will get more of.

Our thoughts are energy and that energy vibrates and attracts similarly vibrating energy = more of the same. So as you are repeatedly thinking about the same things, especially when you do it with emotion as we tend to do when we are afraid, you create an even stronger energy field that attracts more of the same. That is a scientifically proven fact today.

And that is what Mark Victor Hansen and Napoleon Hill mean with their quotes. We become what we think about most of the time. So don’t be surprised if what you are thinking creates outcomes, creates results you do not want.

The only reason why people go to a coach or to a seminar or workshop is that they want different, better results in their lives. But the results we have are created by us – whether they are desired or undesired.

So think positive, empowering thoughts and take forward looking actions – always towards what you want, never towards what bothers you.