Not long ago I was invited to be a guest on a Spanish TV show called “La vida sana” (the healthy life). Without ever having spoken to the other guests we all talked about the same thing – the importance of visualization and belief.
Some wise man said “What the human mind can conceive it can achieve.” and that is really true. The only thing that is holding us back is our belief system.
If we believe we can do it, we will attempt it. But if we think it is “impossible” we will not even try.
While I was typing this, I had a phone call. A friend asked me if I want to join him on his expedition to Mount Everest. NO WAY!!! was my immediate answer but had he asked me to sail around the world with him I would probably have gladly accepted that challenge. Different strokes for different folkes, right?
However both things would be possible if I put my mind (and my body) behind it, don’t you think?
My dream is to become a very well known change catalyst and after having spoken to over 15.000 people in the last 2 years alone I know I am getting there. Hundreds of people told me that my trainings have changed their life, that I have touched their soul and made them move out of their comfort zone into a better life. That is my dream come true!
What is your dream?
The one you have been hiding, maybe even from yourself!
Start sharing it with those around you. Making it public makes it more of a commitment and you are likely to be reminded should you stray off your path.
Making my dream public was not easy for me. I felt stupid wanting to be famous but as I want to help change the educational system into something more practical and student orientated I need a lot of cloud and fame gives you cloud, doesn’t it?
Good excuse but why would I need an excuse? Because it sounds conceited to want to be famous. Who says?… Get the trend?
Don’t let anybody, including yourself, steal your dreams!!!
You deserve a fulfilled, happy and abundant life and it is up to you to get it.
To be or not to be – the Choice is YOURS!
Today and any other day of your life!
Jump over to my website NOW and grab your free report about achieving your dreams You will find a very useful NLP technique to boost your belief sytem in there and many other practical tips and tricks.
Be courageous and go for it!
© Copyright 2010, VisionsPublishers. All rights reserved.
PS. You may share this article with your friends and associates as long as you keep it exactly as it is with the signature intact.
Maybe you could write an article related to the following quote?
“What you do is create a vision of where you want to be, and then live into that picture, as if it were already true.” ~ Arnold Schwarznegger
Thank you,
Robert S. Baines
Twitter: screamingeagle1
thanks for your comment and I will be happy to write an article refering to Arnolds quote. It is right down my line of thought. Look out for it or I will let you know on twitter.
Speak soon
Twitter: barbarahof