Your book really spoke to me... - Master Coach Barbara Hofmeister

I started reading your “Choices” book tonight. I’ve read 3 other books on goal setting, knowing your vision etc during the last week so it’s all familiar information but somehow your book really spoke to me. I was fighting back tears as I read and made notes. I’m up to about p46 now. I love the Mandela speech and I’ve got to stop playing small.

Your 5 year vision was amazing, tearfully beautiful and you deserve every bit of it. You are so right. We want to touch other people’s lives and we won’t do it by holding back.

And making the dream, the vision, the mission a reality has to be right up there. I really am focusing and concentrating on all of this. Thank you Barbara

I love your “Meet Yebut”. I’m very impressed that T Harv Eker wrote the foreword.

– Antonia Harrison, Belgium