6 Steps to Super Mind Power by Dr. Jill Ammon-Wexler - Master Coach Barbara Hofmeister

By Dr Jill Ammon-Wexler
Pioneer Brain/Mind Researcher

© 2010 All Rights Reserved

Ever hear the saying, “You can’t teach an old dog a new trick?” Well that might be true for dogs, but it’s absolutely NOT for humans!

You might have also thought that you can’t grow new brain cells (neurons) once you reach adulthood. But today’s research has proven brain can continue to physically grow even into very advanced old age.

Here’s why: The secret to a lively brain is NOT your number of neurons (brain cells). Researchers like Dr. Marion Diamond, who posthumously analyzed Albert Einstein’s brain, found it was different in only one way –- Einstein had more connections between his neurons.

AND – here’s what’s really exciting: Such an unusual supply of interconnections is NOT inherited. No one is born with such a brain -– it is created.

The Basic Super Mindpower Secret
Your brain follows the same rule as your muscles — use it or lose it. Unused neural interconnections actually shrink and die. But if you engage in regular mental workouts, those important interconnections then expand and strengthen.

And… if you manage to “overload” your brain with the right kind of sensory information, it’s then forced to physically reorganize itself and grow. (Such an overload is the mental equivalent of the muscle overload techniques used by body builders to build strong, healthy muscles.)

The right kind of mental overload expands your mindpower into entirely new dimensions of thought and experience –- actual “super states of consciousness.”

The Benefits of Selective Mental Overload
Developing your brain in this way has fabulous side effects:

  • Even if you later develop Alzheimer’s Disease, you will be far less likely to have significant thinking problems,
  • You will increase your ability to experience powerful whole brain thinking experiences, and
  • You will become more truly intelligent, and capable of deep and flexible thinking.

But… there is something you need to know: The type of mental overload caused by stress actually KILLS brain cells and causes your brain to physically shrink.

The 6 Steps to Super Mindpower

Assuming you want to optimize your mental ability, here are six steps you can take:

Step 1 – Give your brain the physical nutrients it needs. Your brain is a physical organ. What you feed yourself, you also feed your brain. You cannot expect optimal mental function on a fast food diet!

And don’t forget a good supply of clean water. By the time you are thirsty, you are already partially dehydrated. Research has proven that your IQ actually drops from 20% to 50% due to dehydration (for a child, this can equal only one glass of water). And note that coffee and tea do NOT count!

Step 2 – Take some good natural supplements. Today’s food supply is badly depleted due to exhausted, chemical-damaged soils. You will be amazed at the improvement in your mental clarity and sharpness you’ll get from natural brain-smart supplements and organic food. And in the winter when the sun is low, take some vitamin D.

Step 3 – Get some physical exercise. Your brain needs a good supply of oxygen-rich blood to perform at its best. Even a short walk feeds your brain, but a regular physical workout will do even more. Do a moderate physical workout to get your blood pumping a bit — it’s very good for brain health, and you’ll love the increased sense of well being. (If in doubt, always check with your personal physician first.)

Step 4 – Take steps to manage your stress. A little big of stress is a good thing, as it strengthens your immune system. But the levels of stress in today’s world are clearly out of control.

Both acute and chronic stress has been proven to actually kill brain cells. Stress management is essential if you want to optimize your mental functioning.

Step 5 –Get a regular mental workout. Just as you want to take little physical workout each day — you want to do the same for your brain. The idea is to stimulate your neurons with new sensory information. That’s the basic data it deals with. So if you provide unexpected new sensory information, it is FORCED to grow.

If you simply provide your brain with a diet of unchallenging information, on the other hand, it will actually physically shrink. Two excellent brain-stretchers are learning a second language, or learning to play a musical instrument.

Step 6 Engage in regular brainwave training. Professionally-engineered brainwave training actually teaches your brain to reproduce such positive mental states as: Instant stress reduction, deep meditation, sustained motivation, rapid learning, enhanced memory, and crystal clear mental clarity.

Certain brainwave training scenarios have even been shown to have such specific effects as: Stimulating the release of longevity-producing human growth hormone (HGH), reducing the occurrence of headaches, managing ADD/ADHD, and speeding physical healing.

Brainwave training is also a gateway into such extraordinary mental states as whole brain thinking, spontaneous “ah ha” insights, creativity breakthroughs, IQ increases, and even paranormal experiences such as ESP, OBE (out of the body experiences), and lucid dreaming.

You can reach Dr. Jill Ammon-Wexler at http://www.quantumbraingym.com/