Billions to Charity - Master Coach Barbara Hofmeister

I just listened to the news and heard something that moves me to tears.

Warren Buffet and Bill Gates convinced 40 other billionaires to give at least 50% of their money to a charity of their choosing.

WOW!!! I am impressed and finally some good news.

Warren Buffet even made a commitment to give 99% of his wealth away. Thank you Mr. Buffet. Way to go!!!

One of the people giving half of their wealth away is Bloomberg, the mayor of New York City. A local TV station asked people in the street what they thought about these uper rich giving so much. Some were impressed but others were cynical saying things like “It’s easy to give half a billion if I still have half left” Or another said, they should not give the money to charity, they should rather pay higher taxes because the government needs money.

Come on people, wake up!

  1. It is much easier to give 50 cents from a dollar than it is to give 500.000 from a million. Try it out yourself, i.e. sell a piece of real estate and give half of the money away.
  2. Throwing money at our governments will not change anyone’s life except maybe our civil servants.

These billions that are going to charities now can really help to change, to improve our world. Finally some of the super rich are taking responsibility. I comment them on what they are doing. Even if ALL would give 10% it would make a massive impact. Unfortunately not all will give but 40 multi- Billionaires is a great beginning so thank you Warren Buffet and Bill Gates.

I hope they will also help the people in Pakistan and Haiiti. They really need our help urgently.  If you have a little to spare, help these people please. We cannot leave this job to those 40 billionaires. Even their vast riches will not be enough.