The acceptance of the principal that thoughts are creating our world allows us to see that what turns up in our lives represents what we ourselves have created with our thoughts and beliefs. This might be an uncomfortable thought at first but the faster you get used to it, the better. We simply project all our thoughts and beliefs about the way things are (for us) onto the world. Metaphorically speaking we constantly run a movie that we call reality through our mind (which creates our thoughts) and project that movie out there thus creating our “reality”, our unique model of the world.
Once we understand that “our reality” is only a projection of what we think and feel, we can (that is a decision we need to make) actually stop blaming others or blaming circumstances. When we are able to drop any attachment to our belief that the movie we see is reality, we can finally be free to focus on the outcomes we really want – as now WE KNOW we are responsible for the outcomes we get in our lives.
Which brings us to the third principal of NLP – Responsibility for Results!
I would love to get some comments on the last 2 posts as I am still looking for easier ways to explain this.
[New Post] Continued…Perception is Projection – via @twitoaster…
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