Create a plan and follow through - Master Coach Barbara Hofmeister

In my last post we talked about finding your true passion. Today we will look at the end result you want to achieve and how we can implant that into your belief system.

To be able to do that you need to create a beautiful and detailled vision of your ideal day. Imagine having reached your biggest goal, imagine living that life you want to tell your great grandchildren about when you are 95…

When you are imagining that, what would your ideal day look like?

Once you can really see that in front of your inner eye, enjoy it for a moment and then start writing it down in every little detail – and I mean in EVERY detail. Start from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to sleep. Write down where you are, what you are doing, who you are with, location, weather, feelings, sorroundings etc. etc. etc.

Creating a detailled vivid vision can take days or even weeks. DO NOT GIVE UP OR LEAVE IT HALF DONE!

Clarifying your vision could take months but the clearer and more detailled it is, the more you will attract people and opportunities that will help you reach your dream. The clearer your vision is, the more each part of you will get involved. The better you focus on your vision, the stronger your commitment and excitement will become.

Now you can start making a plan and move forward step by step!