God hugged me - Master Coach Barbara Hofmeister

“Knowing others is wisdom,

knowing yourself is Enlightenment.” – Lao Tzu

About 2 weeks ago I returned from an incredible workshop called “Enlightened Warrior Camp” in Malaysia. Actually it was much, much more than a workshop. It was a real life experience and a very amazing one at that.

We learned so much about ourselves; about who we truly are and about what has been holding us back – until now.

Lao Tzu was right. Knowing yourself bring you power and enlightenment.

During our 5 day camp experience we learned about our self-set boundaries and limitations and how to overcome them. We learned that we can do and are much, much more than we ever thought possible.

One person in my group was pysically handicapped and never walked further than a few yards but during one of our experience he walked for miles on soft sand in the heat.

The camp was hard – for me physically and for others mentally – but one could watch as we each opened our hearts and our souls in order to become a true team of over-achievers – of truly enlightened warriors. It was wonderful how we connected from heart to heart while finding and using our true powers.

For the first time in my life I felt totally unconditional love for myself. Not only acceptance and appreciation; no truly unconditional love and respect for self and for all life. I felt the power and choices I have in every cell of my body. It was the most incredible and most beautiful feeling. As if God had hugged me and told me “I love you Barbara”. And to tell you the truth, I think he did.

I cannot share what we did to create these breakthroughs and of course I will honor that commitment because telling you would not do anything, you will need to experience it. So if you ever want to really break through your limitations do join the Enlightened Warrior Camp as soon as you can.