Hoping for better Results? - Master Coach Barbara Hofmeister

Before an architect can build anything he/she needs to have an idea which they turn into a clear vision, usually by making a drawing. When that has taken form they finalize it with all the technical details necessary BEFORE the first stone is layed.

That is what I suggested you do in my post yesterday – create a detailled vision of your future life; a detailled and clear vision of your ideal day!

I can promise you that this act alone can totally change your life for the better but I know that it takes time and focus to create and really mean it and it is so much easier not to do it and continue doing what you have always done – hoping for a better result.


Einstein said: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.” Do I need to add anything?

Take time out of your busy life and really start creating the life YOU want.

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