How to build High Self-Esteem - Master Coach Barbara Hofmeister

People with unstoppable confidence and unshakable belief in themselves don’t doubt that they are capable of anything. These people pursue their goals and persevere until they achieve them because they are confident that they can!

Without confidence, time passes and we stay stay stuck in our rigid comfort zones, seemingly unable to escape. This is the victim mentallity. “It’s not my fault”

Isn’t it time to let out the “Lion” in you???

As you are reading my blog, I know you don’t want to be a victim. You want to be a success in your life. Therefor in the next few posts I will give you several ways to build high self-confidence and belief.

Please, use these techniques because without belief in yourself, you will not get very far. Every obstacle will seem like an unsurmountable wall while for someone with high self-esteem and belief in their abilities, it is just another obstacle they will have to find a way to overcome or walk around.

I always say: “You will only get as far as your confidence let’s you”

So let’s start:

Clarify your values and set goals for yourself

Your values are your guiding forces that tell you what is “right and what is wrong”. They define for you what is important to you. Your values will determine things such as how you act within your family, community and culture, which decisions you make, how you behave, the habits you develop, the ideals you hold dear, the rules you live by and the goals you dream of achieving.

I have independence as one of my top values. When I joined Toastmasters in the year 2000 the club was new and I became it’s President but however much I tried, I could not get rid of the bitching and back stabbing that was going on behind the scenes so I decided to leave and start another club with a clear vision and objectives.

Before our first meeting I wrote it all down and passed my vision of the future club around for all interested parties to read. They loved my vision but the name Achievers caused some discussion as some thought it might put people in this resort area in Southern Spain off. I asked them if they want to have a positive learning environment or just another social club and in the poll  the name Achievers won.

This was 8 years ago. Since then the club is going from strength to strength. I have since moved to Germany and can’t participate but my dream, my vision lives on. The Achievers Toastmasters Club is one of the top 5 clubs in Europe and the members love every meeting and help and support each other. Why? Because  I had a clear vision, a clear objective, clear values of what the club will be like before I even started it.

The club that still lives my vision today

Before you start any new venture, make sure you know which outcome you want and then break that down into small, achievable steps always starting with the end result in mind. That is how I started the club, how I wrote my book, how I (and anybody else that achieves things) do almost anything in life. Especially as I am a pretty chaotic person and tend to jump from one idea to the next, it is necessary to have a clear vision of what I want to happen, no matter if it is a business venture, a relationship, or a leaner body.  The same works for you.

Let me know how you fare…

Try out new things that you have always wanted to do but never did like joining a choir, learn a new dance, join a drama group, go to Toastmasters, or learn about careers in which you may be interested. Your self-esteem and confidence will improve when you have a clear vision, a clear goal to work towards. 

To be continued…