Love is where Peace is - Master Coach Barbara Hofmeister

We are so used to blame, to look for the fault outside of ourself. It’s our spouses fault, our children’s, friends, family members, our boss’s, colleagues, societies, the politicians… but never ours.

But living a fulfilled life can never be based on faulting – not yourself and even less others.

Living a happy, fulfilled life has to be based on love – unconditional love – for self and with that for others. If you can love yourself unconditionally you will automatically be able to also love those around you (even the politicians 🙂

That does not mean you are always in agreement with their behavior but because you feel love unconditionally, you will be able to respect them and accept their shortcomings like you will accept yours.

When you live in love, unconditional love, you will live in peace

and that love and peace will spread.

Remember, world peace starts with one – with you (and with me).

All in Love
