Make the impossible possible - Master Coach Barbara Hofmeister

I am a fan of the Formula 1 races. Today was the last race of the season and


I am sharing this because I could see how he attracted this amazing result.

Sebastian Vettel is now the youngest F1 World Champion ever!

But it did not look as if he even had a realistic chance. Even though he started several races in pole (first) position, he and his team were pretty unlucky. For instance in one race the engine broke in the last race round, on another race the start did not work, in another one he crashed and so on. Very few people believed he could make it. Most believed the leading driver Alonso Fernando would once more become World Champion. All he had to do is finish in one of the first 4 places and he would have won – but he didn’t. Vettel won!

During the whole up and down during the racing season Sebastian and his family NEVER doubted that if the car held up to the strain he would win. This morning before the last race started, his father was asked how he sees his chance and he said with a confident smile “My son will win the championship. I have no doubt about it.”

Do you know how much strength it gives you when the people closest to you believe in you 100%, when they give you total support?

It makes you feel invincible!

And that is the feeling I got each and every time I saw Sebastian. He always seemed so sure of himself and SO HAPPY, so keen to be racing. Not once did he show doubt or fear or stress. And that – at the very last race – got him to win the world championship. He believed and he achieved – against all odds!

He obviously loves what he does. Not once did he doubt that he was good enough to become the world champion, not even in his darkest moments. If you get a chance watch him. I am sure a few videos about Formula 1 will be on youtube. Just watch for the joy of anticipation Sebastian Vettel shows before every race and for the happiness when he reached his goals and wins. He was ready for the championship.

His focus is so clear that there is no space for doubt or fear. When you get to that place on any of your big dreams you become totally unstoppable.

Nothing or nobody can stop you unless you let them.