The 3 P's of Success - Master Coach Barbara Hofmeister

Purpose, Perseverance and Patience are the 3 P’s that lead to success.

Purpose means that you need to be crystal clear what the purpose of your efforts are.

What is the outcome you want to achieve?

What are you focusing on?

Have you set priorities and to which outcome are they set?

Perseverance means that you should NEVER, EVER give up if something is really important to you. Remember Thomas Edison who made 10.000 trials before he finally managed to create the light bulb. He was crystal clear on what he wanted and stayed with it until his dream became true.

And that leads us to patience. Nobody becomes an overnight success overnight. Even the singers from today’s talent shows were practising their singing skills long before anyone had ever heard of them.

So if you really want to achieve great success in your life practice the 3 P’s consistently and keep moving in the right direction.

I believe in you!

You can do it if only you will!

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