We need balance to be truly successful - Master Coach Barbara Hofmeister

Today I took a day off and read a whole novel of over 300 pages. The first novel in over 2 years and I must say I enjoyed it a lot. I also enjoyed laying in the sun (today was only the second really sunny day of this spring) and I absolutely loved doing NOTHING of importance, just enjoying this lovely day! Pure bliss…

Why am I telling you this?

Because to live a more successful life, we need to live a more balanced life. We need to give attention to the different areas of our life: to our family, business or career, to our health, our relationships, our personal development, financial independence and the kind of service we can give to others.

All these areas are essential in our life and we can never be truly happy or truly successful and fulfilled unless we find balance in all of them. Now, if you are having difficulty finding this balance, take it one step at the time. Don’t try to change everything at once. Do it one step at the time.

Start with the area that is most important to you, the one that bothers you most and take one small step at the time. Make a plan how you can improve that area. Just do a little bit every day towards the outcome you desire. List your activities and your most important goals for that specific day. Make your list each evening so your subconscious will work on your goals while you sleep and when you awake the next day, you will find that you’ve already solved some of your problems.

Your outcome will depend on the actions you take!

Every day, do something specific that will bring you closer to your major definite purpose, your single most important goal in life. Successful people are action and result oriented. They set goals and they go for it. Everyday, they accomplish something that is helping them reach that specific goal. So in every activity you do ask yourself if it brings you closer to the fulfillment of one of your goals.

If you take it step by small step and include all the areas of your life I mentioned earlier, you will be surprised how all will eventually fall into place. Don’t be impatient, just keep moving and let it come to pass.

Be well!

Your friend and mentor
