Blog - Master Coach Barbara Hofmeister

Al Pacino’s Inspirational Speech

Listen to this great speech and translate it into YOUR life. Ae you willing to fight for that inch? Are you willing to go that extra inch - that could make all the difference? Give your self an honest answer to this question and "fight" for what you want. You've got...

Festival of Enlightenment FREE Tickets!

Great NEWS ! Do you know that I am going to be speaking at the Festival of Enlightenment in June in Colorado? This is going to be the biggest Festival of its kind - ever! 7 full days and nights of inspiration, motivation, transformation and some amazing musical acts....

Loving Memories

I just watched a film about the Maldive Islands and all my memories from my time on the Maledives washed over me. Some were good, some great and some were sad. Some of you may know that I was working in Tourism for over 20 years: I worked for the largest tour operator...

The 3 P’s of Success

Purpose, Perseverance and Patience are the 3 P's that lead to success. Purpose means that you need to be crystal clear what the purpose of your efforts are. What is the outcome you want to achieve? What are you focusing on? Have you set priorities and to which outcome...

Hoping for better Results?

Before an architect can build anything he/she needs to have an idea which they turn into a clear vision, usually by making a drawing. When that has taken form they finalize it with all the technical details necessary BEFORE the first stone is layed. That is what I...

How Gratitude creates Happiness

Yesterday I talked about the power of accountability and I can only recommend everyone with dreams and goals to take that advice. Today we want to talk about another amazing tool and that is GRATITUDE. It was the 4th lesson I learned from my first coach. What he had...

The Power of Accountability and Gratitude

Yesterday we talked about how I learned to be really accountable - not the half hearted attempt I see in so many but the real thing - every single day. Why was that important? It was important because it taught me 4 great lessons. That I was not always doing what I...

Accountability – your Path to Success

Accountability is the No. 1 reason why some people make  things happen while others only talk about them. If you are one of  the go getters, you probably already know this. However I believe we all have strength and weaknesses and it is good when we become more aware...

How to succeed…

"TAKE TWO ACORNS from the same tree, as nearly alike as possible; plant one on a hill by itself, and the other in the dense forest, and watch them grow. The oak standing alone is exposed to every storm. Its roots reach out in every direction, clutching the rocks and...

John Assaraf’s Vision Board

John Assaraf became known internationally through the film "The Secret" where he talks about how having a vision board helps you create the life you desire. Hear the story and see the home he put on his vision board 6 years before he actually lived in it without...

Set SMART Goals + achieve them!

Before I get into this I want to wish you a HAPPY, PROSPEROUS, HEALTHY, JOYFUL, ABUNDANT 2011! Today is the day to make sure that 2011 is going to be your best year ever. Are you ready? Have you create your vision for this new year? That is where it all begins. If you...

Create you Vision for the coming Year!

Do you have the feeling life is pushing you in the wrong direction? That it is happening to you instead of you making it happen? You are not alone! I hear that all the time but it does not have to stay like that. YOU CAN CHANGE IT! You are in charge as soon as you...

Is Love intelligent?

Love and compassion make us smarter. But don't we normally say that love makes blind? Yes and both is true. When we are freshly in love we tend to be blind to the weaknesses of our new partner but generally love AND compassion actually makes us smarter. This is a...

How to save precious Time

There seems never enough time... There seems never enough time to get everything done. But in order to really live our dreams we need to take the action steps that are necessary to get us there. So for today a very simple tips you can use right now to get 2 hours...

Start the Year with a Vision

We are getting to the end of the year - of yet another year. How will the new year, the coming year be for you? Have you taken time out to reflect on what worked and what you could do better next time around. Have you reflected on the past year and have you created a...

German Family Christmas Traditions

Today is a very special day. It is Christmas Eve and it is snowing outside, just as it "should" be 🙂 I have been cooking and baking preparing my self for the special family time tonight. In Germany the most important Christmas event is Christmas Eve. It is purely...

How you truly achieve your Goals

It is at this time of year - during the holidays - that most of us reflect on the past year and look at our plans for the New Year. Unfortunately many do not have a plan. They might go as far as to set some half hearted New Year Resolutions just around midnight on the...

Will Power is Scarce

Will power is scarce. It really is. Please, read this article careful as it might be the most important fact you  learn at this time of year when most of us set New Year Resolutions. According to a fascinating experiment published in the "Journal of Personality and...

Discover your own Magnificence

Marianne Williamson said that our greatest fear is facing our own magnificence, our inner light and beauty. Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our greatest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most...

How Water improves your Health

We have a vibration. The spoken word has a vibration. The written word also has a vibration. Anything in existence has a vibration. If you were to draw a circle, the vibration of a circle would be created. Drawing a cross would create the vibration of a cross. So if...

Don’t throw your Talents away

You have probably noticed that I have lately written less and spoke more or let videos speak for me. This is another one of those videos that I want to speak for me. It is from the film "Good Will Hunting" and the last minute of the clip is the most important but you...

Visualization for better Health

I was watching a documentary last night and it talked about how some hospitals started using visualizations to speed up the recovery process after operations or chemo therapy. They ask the patient to imagine what life will be like when they are totally recovered from...

My ONEness Experience

Yesterday I shared Sperry's ONEness experience that transformed his life. Today I want to share my own, my most recent one. I will do that in a video and hope I can convey some of the deep love and connectedness I felt. global consciousness, oneness, self respect,...

An Experience in ONEness

Today I want to share something very special. I want to share the experience of a friend of mine, a scientist who has been researching global consciousness for over 20 years. This was the experience that started it all: "When I was thirty two, after a year living in...

Keep a Confidence Journal

Still low on confidence? Learn how you can build up your confidence and start to believe in yourself by keeping a confidence journal. Remember, you will only get as far as your confidence let's you. It is now time to build it so it supports your desires and dreams....

How to boost your confidence

Low self-esteem? Little confidence? This video will show you how to build your self-esteem and gain confidence in yourself and your abilities. If you want help, join us in our coaching group at or get my book "To be or not to be - the choice...

Anchor your Confidence

Unless we fully believe in ourself we will never be able to live our full potential; we will never go full out to achieve our dreams - because we don't really believe we can. Way too many of us have low belief in themselves and in the next few posts I will share...

Don’t bargain your Life away

In Napoleon Hill's book "Think and Grow Rich" I read the following poem by an unknown author that hits the nail about us not believing in our dreams and therefore not asking for them fully. It is sad how little so many of us value ourselves. I bargained my life for a...

Give some Thought to your Future

"Give a lot of thought to your future because that is where you are going to spend the rest of your life." - Charles Kettering In the last few posts we talked about becoming clear on what you want in life; we talked about who you want to become and what legacy you...

Our Deepest Fear…

If you can embrace the words in this poem by Marianne Williamson you will stop doubting, worrying and start living your true unlimited potential. Marianne Williamson, our deepest fear, unlimited...

Anchor Your “Ideal Day”

I want to follow up on what I wrote about a few days ago. The creation of your "ideal day". Did you do it? If you passed on that opportunity I wonder if you really want change in your life? Remember what I wrote a couple of days ago? Sometimes the short pain of effort...

How Your Beliefs Drive You

"If you are going to think anyway, why not think big?" - Donald Trump, US Real Estate Billionaire Isn't it true that we are constantly thinking? Whether we want to or not, thoughts flow through our mind day and night. We are not in control of that but we are in...

The Root of the Problem

Who has not bought something that promised "heaven on earth"or "push button results" but then did not deliver? I myself have experiened that more than once especially when buying stuff about internet marketing. I bought it because I thought the "Guru" would help me...

The Gift of Abuse

By: Author Unknown A tale is told about the Buddha, Gautama (563-483BC), the Indian prince and spiritual leader whose teachings founded Buddhism. This short story illustrates that every one of us has the choice whether or not to take personal offence from another...

Create your Ideal Day

Is your life ideal? Have you ever thought about what an ideal life would look like for you? Today I want to invite you to create it. How do we do that? Let me give you a practical example we all know - that of an architect. Before an architect can build anything he...

Meet Napoleon Hill

Do you know the classic "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill? It is the most read book on success until today. THE book on success and it was written because he was challenged by the great Andrew Carnegie (Steel magnate who donated most public libraries in the US,...

Living a Life of Choice

Time to get even clearer on where you want your life to go. Have you ever written your "Rocking Chair Story"? If not, now is the time... Imagine you are 95 years old and sitting in your rocking chair with your great-grandchildren at your feet listening raptly to your...

Does your Life have meaning?

Yesterday we looked at what you would do if you had all the money you would ever need and could do anything knowing that you could not fail. What did you come up with? Would that give your life more meaning? If it would, why are you not doing it? You might come up...

Defining your Dream

Did you find some answers? I hope you did because I want you to look much further than we have done so far. If you take the next question seriously you will get a good idea what it is you really want to do with your life. Imagine you had all the money you could ever...

Finding purpose – what you really want

How were your reflections? Did any of the answers surprise you? Next let's start to work on WHAT YOU REALLY WANT. Do you know what it is? About 95% of the people that attend my live trainings or participate in my success coaching are not clear on that. 95%!!! That's...