Barb's Ramblings Archives - Page 7 of 19 - Master Coach Barbara Hofmeister

Reflect on your Life

Yesterday we talked about the moments in our life when we are ready to change – hopefully for the better. Today I want to suggest that you take out some time for reflection. Ask yourself… What is my life all about? Who am I? What do I want? What are my...

Love is where Peace is

We are so used to blame, to look for the fault outside of ourself. It’s our spouses fault, our children’s, friends, family members, our boss’s, colleagues, societies, the politicians… but never ours. But living a fulfilled life can never be...

God hugged me

“Knowing others is wisdom, knowing yourself is Enlightenment.” – Lao Tzu About 2 weeks ago I returned from an incredible workshop called “Enlightened Warrior Camp” in Malaysia. Actually it was much, much more than a workshop. It was a real life...

You are what you think

We are still talking about Mark Victor Hansen’s quote: “You are not who you think you are but what you think you are.“ Yesterday we talked about our belief system and how we perceive ourself or how other’s perceive us is not necessarily who we...

THE most important Life Topic

In the next few days I want to talk – once again – about what makes us tick and why. We will talk  about how we can make sure that we are reaching the outcomes we desire. You see the most important Topic is to find out who we truly are. The vast majority...