Blog - Master Coach Barbara Hofmeister

25 Minutes of Exercise Can Beat Depression

By Richard Alleyne / Source: The Telegraph Just 25 minutes of vigorous daily exercise can help beat depression, claim doctors. Researchers found that a workout reduces stress and anger and boosts the sense of physical wellbeing. They claim physical exercise should be...

Every Cell in your Body communicates…

Today I want to share with you a post I received by email: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Welcome to Health Sparks by * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Every cell in your body communicates in ways that can help alleviate pain and...

Do Affirmations work?

A study done at the National Science Foundation discovered that deep thinkers think around 50,000 thoughts a day. That's a lot of thinkin'! This study also cited that the majority of what people think is negative...up to 95%!!!! That's 47,500 negative thoughts....and...

Trade in who you’ve been for who you must become…

Too many people give up digging three feet from their goldmine. That is the wrong way to do it. Because once you are sure what it is you want, you need to keep moving (in the right direction please). The important thing is that you need to have your dreams and goals...

Only 1 year to live…

A friend of mine was told by his Doctors that he had terminal cancer and had only one year to live. His first reaction was to give up but after a few days of struggling with his fate, he decided to use his remaining time to do all the things had had always wanted to...

Tweets on 2010-04-22

You can do the same for any type of goal – no matter how big or small. - from the TO BE book # If you have taken the above mentioned steps you are now truly ready for take off and you will fly high that much is sure.-from the TOBE book # Success...

Who do you want to be when you are grown up?

I ask this question frequently in my seminars and the answer is usually: "I don’t really know!" Hmm, that means you don't know where you are going? It means you have no plan for your life? This answer really perplexes me since it seems that most people are waiting for...

Tweets on 2010-04-21

To gain more abundance a person needs more skills and needs to be more creative and cooperative. Robert Kiyosaki # If we know that we can change our decisions and with it our direction at any moment, we will never be victims again. - from the TO...

Do you plan to live a happy, fulfilled life?

Jim Rohn, one of my most important mentors, says:  "Most people spend more time planning their holidays than they spend on planning their life." What about you? Do you plan to live a happy, fulfilled life or is it just a dream? I didn’t really start living my purpose...

Tweets on 2010-04-19

It will make you aware that actually you always had the freedom to choose the life you crave for. -from the TO BE book # Just Found This - The Secret of Blogging Success | Mark Evans Tech: What makes a blog successful? Why do some blog......

Cure Depression and Self Sabotage

This video shows you a full intervention Tony Robbins did with a lady that suffered from depression and self-sabotage. It goes through the whole process. I am sorry that I cannot embed the video here. In this case I just don't know how to do it. Just follow the link....

Tweets on 2010-04-14

Change your thoughts and your life changes! –- from the TO BE book # I'll be listening to "To be or not to be - the choice is YOURS!" on The "TO BE" Show on #BlogTalkRadio - # The good thing is that as soon as you become...

Are you an ideas person?

If you are then you are blessed with one good idea after another. The challenge comes with capturing those ideas and putting themsomewhere safe so you can look them up when you need them. Most people use either of the following three approaches: We have a brilliant...

Join our Mastermind to Abundance and Fulfillment

TRUTH is supposed to be objective and verifiable. It reflects present circumstances so may I ask you, is your present situation desirable? Is it what you have wanted it to be? For many it is not. They have lack of love, lack of money, lack of freedom, lack of ... But...

Stay positive and true to yourself

I know it’s hard to stay positive when we are surrounded with so much negativity: rising unemployment, falling revenues and hardship dominate the daily headlines worldwide. But it is exactly now that we need to focus on the positive and turn bad news into good news.

Continued…Perception is Projection

The acceptance of the principal that thoughts are creating our world allows us to see that what turns up in our lives represents what we ourselves have created with our thoughts and beliefs. This might be an uncomfortable thought at first but the faster you get used...

The Law of Cause and Effect

The law of Cause and Effect states that every action has an equal reaction. Since it is scientifcally proven - beyond a shadow of doubt - that thoughts are creating energy and as the whole world as we know it, consists of energy, we also know that every thought...

Tweets on 2010-04-02

We are here to fail and to learn from our failures; to learn from our mistakes and do it better the next time.- from the TO BE book # [New Post] You are powerful beyond measure - via @twitoaster # “Remember, a dead fish can float downstream, but...

You are powerful beyond measure

My absolute favorite poem is by Marianne Williamson and someone put it into a short video. For me this is soooo powerful... we are all (almost all) playing much too small

Life is not fair

The last year or two have been extremely difficult for many of us. Why? Because 'we' were greedy. Not all of us of course but quite a few. More and more profits had to be made. Real Estate prices exploded in certain areas and some countries like the US and the UK...

Margret Thatcher of Personal Development?!

I had a long, soul searching talk with a good friend not too long ago because I was feeling a little down and said stuff like "I don't think I could do that. I am not charismatic like him". She pretended to fall off her chair because she saw it very differently and...

Accountability forces you to succeed

Accountability means being “strict” with each other about keeping the commitments. With strict I mean with great integrity. You’ll have to agree on the rewards and punishments which you give yourself depending whether you do your daily, weekly, and monthly tasks. It goes without saying that if you cheat, you will only cheat yourself. It makes no real difference to anybody else.

People and their behaviors

Another presupposition of NLP is that people are not their behavior. And I think it is one of the best things to pre-suppose because it means that the person and their behavior are 2 separate things. Whatever the behavior of a person might be, it is not who they are....

Procrastinators beware! Why we fail

“I will do it later” This is probably the favorite line of every procrastinator and I admit to having said or thought this myself more than once. You convince yourself that tomorrow is a better day to start with those exercise you know you need to do, you will start tomorrow to manage your finances, you will write that letter tomorrow or make that urgent phone call TOMORROW.

Everyone has a unique Model of the World

There are 17 presuppostions of NLP. One of them is: Everyone has a unique Model of the World That means each of us sees the world their own way - filtered through our experience, the upbringing, the education we have had and our interpretation of all these things....

Responsibility for Results

The third principal of NLP is Responsibility for Results. It means that the responsibility for our results lies totally in our hands. Let's say you buy a car but never use it, you would not go to the manufacturer and tell him his car is no good would you? They have...

Why Perception is Projection?

We talked about being the cause of what is happening in our life.  Today we will talk about the second principal of NLP and that is Perception is Projection meaning we see things not as they are, but as we are. Sounds confusing? I will attempt to enlighten you......

Tweets on 2010-03-22

You must see your goals clearly and specifically before you can set out for them. Hold them in your mind until they become second nature. # “Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly.”Langston Hughes #...

Principals of NLP

I visited a friend in London last weekend. We did our NLP Master Practicioner course together some time ago. While spending time with her I quickly realized that she was not only using NLP in her business, she actually lives the philosophy of NLP.  That was an amazing...

Visualize your Destiny

Then you would create a very clear vision of your destination and what you wanted to experience when you get there. Yes, some things may change when you arrive, but before you started determining “how” you were going to get there, you would want a very clear idea of...

Preparation and Commitment are the Keys To Success

Brian Tracy said: "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail". And I totally agree with him. That follows my prior posts talking about having to know what you want before you can start walking (and working) towards it. I hope it is obvious by now that becoming crystal...

I fail just like you

Today I had one of those eerie experiences when a new client treated me as if I was "super human".  You know one of those "perfect" human beings that has the answers to everything and lives THE ideal life. But there is no such thing!!! I want you to be aware of that....

Tweets on 2010-03-17

"The will to do springs from the knowledge that we can do." - James Allen # "A problem is a chance for you to do your best." - Duke Ellington # [New Post] Why You Need to Plan Your Life - via @twitoaster...

Why You Need to Plan Your Life

Jim Rohn said: "Most people plan their vacation better than they plan their life" and he is right. Most people do. Isn't that crazy? So let's take the example of  going on holiday. Do you just get into your car, and drive off with no clear idea of where you are going?...

Why most people fail

We are all unique individuals but at the same time we have many things in common. One of those communalities are the reasons why most people fail. They seem to be the same in all cultures.  So let's have a look at them: The reason No. 1 why most people fail is that...

Lina and The Goals Quadrant

I have a new accountability partner and we both have big dreams, big goals we want to achieve. Because I have high respect for her and for myself, I am taking our time together very seriously. Our goal is to take our respective businesses to a new level. One of the...

6 Steps to Super Mind Power by Dr. Jill Ammon-Wexler

Ever hear the saying, “You can’t teach an old dog a new trick?” Well that might be true for dogs, but it’s absolutely NOT for humans!

You might have also thought that you can’t grow new brain cells (neurons) once you reach adulthood. But today’s research has proven brain can continue to physically grow even into very advanced old age. Here’s why…

Tweets on 2010-03-11

"The successful man will profit from his mistakes and try again in a different way." - Dale Carnegie # "You have to accept whatever comes and the only important thing is that you meet it with the best you have to give." -...