Blog - Master Coach Barbara Hofmeister

Reflect on your Life

Yesterday we talked about the moments in our life when we are ready to change - hopefully for the better. Today I want to suggest that you take out some time for reflection. Ask yourself... What is my life all about? Who am I? What do I want? What are my dreams? What...

Move out of your Comfort Zone

It takes some doing to make us change, to make us move out of what we know - our so called comfort zone. Comfort zone has nothing to do being in comfort. However it has everything to do what we are used to, just think of how many couples live in bad even abusive...

Love is where Peace is

We are so used to blame, to look for the fault outside of ourself. It's our spouses fault, our children's, friends, family members, our boss's, colleagues, societies, the politicians... but never ours. But living a fulfilled life can never be based on faulting - not...

Mastermind to Success!

Learn how you can enjoy traveling in great style and connect with like minded people at the same time. Join us in our 2011 Mastermind Focus Group and on next years Mastermind cruise. Look out for the free teleseminar in...

Make the impossible possible

I am a fan of the Formula 1 races. Today was the last race of the season and THE WINNER IS ...   SEBASTIAN VETTEL, Germany I am sharing this because I could see how he attracted this amazing result. Sebastian Vettel is now the youngest F1 World Champion ever! But it...

God hugged me

“Knowing others is wisdom, knowing yourself is Enlightenment.” - Lao Tzu About 2 weeks ago I returned from an incredible workshop called "Enlightened Warrior Camp" in Malaysia. Actually it was much, much more than a workshop. It was a real life experience and a very...

The Touchstone – use your opportunities

When the great library of Alexandria burned, the story goes, one book was saved. But it was not a valuable book; and so a poor man, who could read a little, bought it for a few coppers. The book wasn't very interesting, but between its pages there was something very...

You are what you think

We are still talking about Mark Victor Hansen's quote: "You are not who you think you are but what you think you are." Yesterday we talked about our belief system and how we perceive ourself or how other's perceive us is not necessarily who we are. Today I want to...

Changing Bad Habits into Good Ones

I came across another one of Jim Rohn's powerful quotes. He was the master in saying a lot with a few simple words. "Bad habits are easy to form and hard to live with and good habits are hard to form but easy to live with." ~ Jim Rohn How often have you wanted to...

THE most important Life Topic

In the next few days I want to talk - once again - about what makes us tick and why. We will talk  about how we can make sure that we are reaching the outcomes we desire. You see the most important Topic is to find out who we truly are. The vast majority of us (about...

The Festival of Enlightenment

I have been invited to speak at the FESTIVAL OF ENLIGHTENMENT in June of 2011 in Colorado. This is a big honor for me and I am super excited. Some big names are involved like Janet Attwood, Gregg Braden, Bob Geldorf, Marianne Williamson,  Sir Richard Branson, Jack...

What is our essence?

This is a very personal post so if you are afraid of learning too much about my inner world, please do not read it. During my 43-hour return journey from Malaysia I had mini-break-through after mini-breakthrough until, at one moment, I was flooded with LOVE -...

Who are you really investing in?

Posted by Lisa Sasevich on If anyone should be well compensated, it’s those of us who are doing the work that we were put here to do. But we heart-centered entrepreneurs can find it difficult...

What are you worth?

Today I want to share with you a post I read on Lisa Sasevich's blog. I think Lisa hit the nail on the head with it as most coaches I meet - and that included me for a very long time - do not dare to charge anywhere near enough for them to live a decent lifestyle from...

The Guide to make your Goals come true

The book “To be or not to be- the Choice is Yours”, written by Barbara Hofmeister is really amazing and unique. It’s a guide on your way to make your goals come true.  The language of the book is really simple. Very important ideas are explained clearly and precisely....

Use Coke’s marketing for Charity?

At TEDxChange, Melinda Gates makes a provocative case for nonprofits taking a cue from corporations such as Coca-Cola, whose plugged-in, global network of marketers and distributors ensures that every remote village wants -- and can get -- a Coke. Why shouldn't this...

Stroke of Insight

This is the most amazing video of how brain researcher Jill Bolte Taylor studied her own stroke as it happened -- and has become a powerful voice for brain...

Always give your BEST

Today I booked a sailing trip. I love sailing - the noise of passing through the water, the clicks of the rigging, being forced to work with nature... All of that really turns me on but today's sailing trip was a real let down. First of all the trip was comparitively...

How Governments can govern

I have been in Malaysia many years ago and it was most definitely a third world country then. But that has changed massively since. Kuala Lumpur is today a modern city with a lot of bussiness happening, a country that has a say in Asia. The government has set an...

TED Videos – Prosperity

In the next few weeks and maybe even over the next few months I want to share with you an incredible resource that is available to us all and that is TED. What is TED? TED is a small nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. It started out in 1984 as a conference...

Master your self talk

We all know it - the little voice inside of us. I call it Yebut = Yeah, but... are not good enough! ...your don't know enough! ...who do you think you are? We question whether we are worthy enough, have enough knowledge, deserve what we desire etc. etc. etc....

Awe Inspiring Alaska

The first port of call was Ketchikan, apparently the wettest town in North America and true to its legend it rained. The ship is larger than the highest building in Ketchikan Probably the most impressive day on my Mastermind cruise to Alaska was the day we were in...

Finding contentment

The last day of our cruise we sailed through waters full of wild life, especially whales. I was stuck to the window or leaning on the railing most of the day and saw at least a dozen humpback whales. At the same time I heard people around me complain that there were...

Return from Mastermind Cruise

First of all let me appologize for having been gone for so long. As most of you know I was in the US and Canada, actually I was on a Mastermind Cruise in Alaska with some great people like Liz Lynn, Warren Whitlock, and last but definitely not least Coach Carter (the...

You have EVERYTHING to Gain!

by Lexie Moon on Amazon To be or not to be - the choice is YOURS! is more than just another self help book. This is a complete program from A to Z. Barbara provides exercises, techniques and insights that will take your personal growth to a whole new level. Barbara...

Full of great assignments

I have just read To Be or Not To Be – The Choice Is Yours.  The book started off with an impressive forward by Personal development giant T. Harv Eker. The author then took me on a great journey of self exploration and discovery. Some events in life can have a...

Thought provoking and clarifying!

Barbara Hofmeister has written a book that is more than merely passive reading. While it is filled with wisdom and wonderful quotes, the real gems lie in the many exercises she has throughout the book. Anyone can easily follow and do these techniques. They are thought...

Barbara is that rare breed of person; not only a woman who has a clear vision of where she is going and what she intends to achieve but also one who can clearly implement a plan and bring it to fruition. Most of us have strengths that make us effective to initiate a...

You challenge me to look within

Thank you Barbara Hofmeister… Ms. Hofmeister, thank you for reminding me that I have a choice in being an active participant in my good success. I love the To Be book! Every exercise challenges me to look within and lay out a clear & precise plan for this...

Follow Exercise that bring real Results

Barbara, amazing is not saying enough when talking about your book. I believe it is needed. Finally a self help book that gives us a clear plan and plenty of easy to follow exercise that bring real results. The introspection I went through answering your questions was...

We are one consciousness!

The following is from a dialogue I am having with my friend Sperry Andrews who has been researching global consciousness for the last 20 odd years. Hear what he has to say: Hola Barbara My findings raise questions that have profound implications for social health and...

This book is a full Manual

Hi Barbara This isn’t about theory. Your system is about doing and achieving. I think you really want people to get the vision they want for themselves. That’s way you ask us to describe it so vividly - and finally I got it. I am not a victim anymore. Thank you so...

Billions to Charity

I just listened to the news and heard something that moves me to tears. Warren Buffet and Bill Gates convinced 40 other billionaires to give at least 50% of their money to a charity of their choosing. WOW!!! I am impressed and finally some good news. Warren Buffet...

Where are you without belief in yourself?

I always say that you can't get further than your confidence, your belief in yourself, let's you. So how can we boost our confidence? First of all accept the fact that it's in our nature to want more than we already have. Don't judge these desires, just accept them...

Time to wake up

Hi Barbara, Yes, I have read your book and have written down the 5 things on the “Wake-up call” chapter. This week I’m going to dig more to answer the “What do you want” chapter. I’m in the wake-up call phase, just awake 5months ago, and I’m just glad that I...

Barbara, I started reading your book last week. It is amazing! So full of easy to do techniques that actually got me to reignite my big dream. I had almost forgotten it. Unbelievable, don’t know how that was possible but it’s true. Your book has helped me immensely....

Your book really spoke to me…

I started reading your “Choices” book tonight. I’ve read 3 other books on goal setting, knowing your vision etc during the last week so it’s all familiar information but somehow your book really spoke to me. I was fighting back tears as I read and made notes. I’m up...

No More Excuses…!!!

No More Excuses … !!!, Amazon August 1, 2010 This review is for: To be or not to be – the choice is YOURS! (Paperback) This is a book that not only helps you ask and answer the questions that you have in your life … but also assists you in working through them....